Tradeable Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each other friendly minion you control.
Northrend's greatest export: funnel cakes.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Tradeable - Play the card normally or swap it with a random one from your deck by paying 1 mana.
Play VO_SW_307_Female_Tuskarr_Play_01
Play 1H_Staff_Underlay_Play
Attack VO_SW_307_Female_Tuskarr_Attack_01
Attack 1H_Staff_Underlay_Attack
Death VO_SW_307_Female_Tuskarr_Death_01
Death LuckyDoBuccaneer_Underlay_Death
i don't think we will see it in any meta
Token Druid and Token Hunter may have more support that we originally thought
May see play in arena or wide board hunter, but the old 5 cost 4/4 that gained 1/1 for each minion rarely ever saw play beyond vanilla hearthstone.
This looks like it'd go in old zoo lock but yeah, current meta wide hunter would be a better place for it.
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i don't think we will see it in any meta
Token Druid and Token Hunter may have more support that we originally thought
May see play in arena or wide board hunter, but the old 5 cost 4/4 that gained 1/1 for each minion rarely ever saw play beyond vanilla hearthstone.
This looks like it'd go in old zoo lock but yeah, current meta wide hunter would be a better place for it.