The Voyage to the Sunken City expansion has just launched, and to celebrate this milestone we're doing an event called Wild Week. Over the next 10 days, there will be one guide a day, one for each class, using as many new cards as possible. Today, we're going to be looking at Untapped Potential Druid in Voyage to the Sunken City.

Untapped Potential Druid has gotten 2 new support cards from the expansion. Flipper Friends is a 5 mana 12/12 of which 6 has Taunt and 6 has Rush in this deck, while Hedra the Heretic helps your midrange gameplan. The deck uses the power of Untapped Potential to win on the board in the midgame with large boards and buffs. If you like the Untapped Potential quest, you may want to give this modern version of it a try.

Past decks in Wild Week can be found here.

If you want to suggest a specific deck archetype to be covered for a particular class, you can comment it to this article and it may be covered during Wild Week or after.

Now, let's get into the guide for playing the deck. It's going to go through major overarching strategies to keep in mind, how to mulligan, gameplay tips on key synergies, and card choices.


The first few turns are very slow, but you get a lot of healing, draw, board generation, and buffs after the Untapped Potential quest is complete.

Midrange - Use spells and minions that have their Choose One effects combined to generate boards and buff them.

The deck uses generally lower quality Choose One cards that become powerful with the Ossirian Tear effect.



The key to playing this deck well is to balance minion generation with board buffs.

Below are gameplay tips regarding many of the synergies in this deck and how to use them effectively.

You can use Gear Grubbers to regain tempo easily after losing mana on your early turns.

Use Keeper Stalladris to gain more spells for Hedra the Heretic.

Use Flobbidinous Floop to repeat high quality minions.

Wardruid Loti is a 3 mana 4/6 Taunt Rush Stealth with Poisonous and Spell Damage +1.

Cards that both summon minions and buff the board like Cenarius will always summon minions first.

Card Choices

This section is going to go through the main packages of cards in the deck. Each package has cards that help the deck with a specific goal. When playing the deck, it's useful to know what purposes each card serves and what other cards in the deck have synergy with it or help achieve the same purpose. This section might also be useful if you're interested in the reasoning for why each card was included in the deck.

Quest Synergy

Untapped Potential Card Image Crystal Merchant Card Image Gear Grubber Card Image

These cards synergize with the quest's completion task.

Board Generation

Power of the Wild Card Image Rising Winds Card Image Wardruid Loti Card Image Flobbidinous Floop Card Image

Gear Grubber Card Image Mark of the Loa Card Image Boomkin Card Image

Flipper Friends Card Image Oasis Surger Card Image Hidden Oasis Card Image

Tending Tauren Card Image Hedra the Heretic Card Image Cenarius Card Image

These generate minions on the board.

Board Buffing

Power of the Wild Card Image Flobbidinous Floop Card Image Mark of the Loa Card Image

Tending Tauren Card Image Cenarius Card Image

These buff the board.

Draw and Value Generation

Worthy Expedition Card Image Crystal Merchant Card Image Rising Winds Card Image

Nourish Card Image

These draw or generate cards.

Untapped Potential Druid is a fun deck to play if you want to make use of otherwise weak Choose One cards. If you have a question, comment or are wondering about a card substitution, post below.

What are your favorite wild decks? Which off-meta decks have you been playing? Share them via our deckbuilder and let us know in the comments below!