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Seeing the rest of the epic signature spells set (primordial wave, impending catastrofe) this one seems the weaker one: what's the point in giving +3+3 to a 1/1? Is it enough to be added in a deck of 30 cards? Ok, it's not a dead card if you draw It and you are not cariel, you can always make a 4/4 with One card and 3 mana, but is it enough, for example, ok turn 5 or 6? It is a very busted champ pump spell, but it's very limited in use and does "not that much" against a board of Monsters. I think dude paladin should have bad something more useful than this, like strong token generators (the blue guy is not enough I think), a strong draw engine (Quest paladin has lost First day of school, for example), proactivity on board (last year we had broomstick that helped questline as well as making the empowered dudes efficient on board immediately) and/or strong area buff (stuff like level up or lightfused stegodon). Single Minion buff spells must be overwhelmingly strong to be efficient (Power Word authority or dinosize, for example). I'm not trusting this direction they want to give dude paladin because It seems like they want you focus on less minions and buff just few of them and for a short amount of time instead of Forever that would be certainly better (such as totems for the stonewright, or Lothraxion for dudes last year).
I'm betting the mana cost makes this card early-meta aggro bait, but that it ends up getting revisited halfway between patches in slower lists. Tbh it really looked like trash to me at first, but then I thought of Blessing of Kings and how that's had use cases as both a finisher and a means of value trading. I don't think Promotion gets run outside a Dude Pally deck, but I do think in a more ecalue-oriented version of that deck it gets better the longer the game goes on--+3/+3 in the early game does nothing against the current interactions of more controlly Warrior/Paladin/Priest/Warlock decks, and decks like Fel DH and Rogue would likely just ignore an early 4/4 and kill your face (or kill it while still killing your face using cards like Fel Barrage or Multi-Strike). In the late game, though, you've got a potential 30-damage Silver Hand combo costing as little as 6 mana if the opponent leaves up a single Stewart the Steward recruit and you've a Great Hall charge ready to go (Great Hall + quest aura + Stewart buff + 2x Promotion + 2x The Garden's Grace + 2x Conviction (Rank 1) = base 3/3 + 2/2 + 3/3 + 2 x 3/3 + 2 x 5/5 + 2 x 3/0 = one 30/24 Silver Hand Recruit). (More as a general remark on Dude Pally, I also see potential shenanigans to be had post-Cariel with Red Herring + a super-buffed Silver Hand Recruit.) It's also not bad in allowing a 1/1 recruit to value-trade almost any early-game minion. Idk if it's quite good enough to run in a Control Pally list, but I do think it has enough mid-/late-game utility that it merits consideration.
It also advances the quest
That face in bottom right might rival Dame's in creepiness :D
Team5 really wants dude pally to get somewhere because outside of it this card is useless. The last thing you need is a buff that only works on specific minions, and since this card isn't even the entire board all you get is really a +3+3 albeit at a really cheap price.
Im not optimistic to be honest. Odd pally used to work because you get two tokens every turn and your opponent will run out of answers sooner or later, so those very specific buff cards like Level Up! work. Without it, all you get is one token per turn and your opponent will very likely ensure there are no silverhands every turn, bricking this card or forcing you to buff pre-emptively, which is hardly anything to scream about.
If dude pally actually manages to break into tier 2 then this card would be in it, but the moment the dudes stop flowing then this card would be dropped like a hot brick.
A 3 Mana 4/4 doesn't sound too bad on its own. Summoning a single Recruit is pretty easy, so I like this over the wide buffs from prior dude synergies
Unfortunately, a card being not too bad is not good enough to just put into any deck these days, unless you're Renothal fanatic.
the 3 mana 4/4 would be at worst. At best a SHR survives a turn and you get a cheap buff for value trading or just going face. Meta breaking? No. Could it be good in a board-based meta? Yeah. Depending on the meta this could still see play outside of just straight up Dude decks. As someone who plays Wild I'm curious to see if it would make the cut in Odd Paladin. But most likely it'll be like you said, if they are a Renathal Odd Paladin maybe. Too many other cards to include in that deck to slot this in, unless you're talking extra card slots in general.
Hearthstone has really gone to the point where 4/4s on turn 3 nowadays aren't any special or good, particularly in paladin where playing for tempo tends to be really difficult. In my opinion, if that's the only consistent output for this card then its a no brainer trash material.