We've got updates to Hearthstone's list of known issues since the patch. Read on!

Quote From GnomeSayin

  • [Added 8/30] [Hearthstone] After the balance change, Faithful Companions has not been updated to be castable when you have no Beasts in deck, but Beasts in hand, with the Manathirst effect (so, castable for only the Manathirst effect). The team is looking into this.
  • [Added 8/31] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating an issue where some players started the Twist season with a 10-star ranked bonus. (Your Twist launch internal MMR was intended to match the highest of your Standard, Wild, or Twist MMMRs, but capped at a 9-star multiplier).
  • [Added 8/31] [Battlegrounds] There is a localization issue with Murky, and a bug causing crashes. Murky has been temporarily removed from the minion pool while these issues are addressed.
  • [Added 8/31] [Hearthstone] Al’Akir, the Winds of Time is able to draw non-minions, despite its text.
  • [Added 8/31] [Hearthstone]: We’re investigating reports that Eyestalk of C’Thun doesn’t respect certain non-C’Thun buffs.
  • [Added 8/31] [Collection] For the Caverns of Time buffed reprints, if you have any copies of the original version of the card, the card is not showing as available for crafting in Caverns of Time. If you have just a Caverns version, you are able to craft either another Caverns copy or a version from the original set.
  • [Added 8/31] [Collection] For the Caverns of Time buffed reprints, if you have two copies from the original set and then have exactly one copy from Caverns of Time, the one Caverns of Time copy will not appear in your collection. If you get a second copy of the Caverns of Time version, both will then appear in your collection.
  • [Added 8/31] [Collection] We’re investigating reports that Caverns of Time’s version of Acolyte of Pain isn’t respecting duplicate protection.