The Old God Yogg-Saron is plotting his escape, and things are about to get chaotic! The Anomaly feature in the latest Season of Hearthstone Battlegrounds is making its way into regular Constructed games, warping the match in different ways! Read on to discover what else is coming in the Fall of Ulduar Mini-Set.
Quote From Blizzard The Old God was locked away, but we should have known its prison would not hold! Yogg-Saron's influence has been corrupting the Tavern since the beginning, and now its full power is unleashed! This is the end of the age of the titans; this is The Fall of Ulduar!Fall of Ulduar, launching on September 19, consists of 38 new cards: 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 17 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards. Those new cards can either be opened in TITANS packs or purchased as a complete 72-card set.* Normal versions of the Mini-Set can be purchased for $14.99 or 2000 Gold. The all-Golden version can be purchased for $69.99 or 10,000 Gold. The Golden Mini-Set option also includes a bonus Diamond Legendary.
* Includes one copy of each Legendary card and two copies of each other card.
Anomalies Take Over the Tavern
Yogg-Saron's Anomalies could only be contained within Battlegrounds for so long. Yogg-Saron's faithful servant, Cho’gall, is coming in the Fall of Ulduar to unleash Anomalies on Standard, Wild, Twist, and Arena, too!
Cho’gall “corrupts” the game with a random Anomaly. The Anomaly effect is revealed prior to your mulligan and activates after the mulligan, but before the first turn is taken. At launch, there will be 20 Anomalies, each with an equal chance of corrupting the game, including:
In addition to Cho’gall’s effect, Anomalies will be active in all games for the first week after the launch of Patch 27.4. After that one week period, Anomalies will then be active in 25% of games until Patch 28.0. If you or your opponent (or both of you) have Cho’gall in your decks during these event periods, there’s a chance your game will be corrupted by two Anomalies at once!
Sow Chaos with Yogg-Saron's Tendrils
Yogg-Saron has sunk its tendrils deep into Azeroth and throughout the Fall of Ulduar Mini-Set! Chaotic Tendril is a card in the mini-set and there are ways to generate more Chaotic Tendrils for more chaos. Tendrils have a Battlecry that casts bigger and bigger spells as Yogg-Saron's influence grows!
Witness the Old God’s Power!
Watch out for Mini-Set reveals from Hearthstone, press, and content creators all this week as we prepare for Yogg-Saron's escape! Starting with Hunter:
You can see the reveal calendar and all revealed cards in the Official Card Library.
What do you think of this Yogg-tastic Mini-Set? What kinds of cards (and Anomalies) do you think will be in the set? Let us know in the comments below!
Yogg! Hype! I hope the new Yogg will be good!
The Anomalies seems fun! They look like they might not have that big of an impact, but whatever. The BIG point of Anomalies is adding a new FUN option for people to mess around with, which i.m.o. is a good thing. Not every card NEEDS to be "Must-include meta defining" or anything, as long as it's a fun card/archetype then people will play it. (Like Plague DK, people like playing it depite it being.... Not that great.)
The anomalies sound like fun little Yoggy bit of randomness at first glance, but I think it's actually going to get really, really old, really fast. Because while the effects are symmetrical, the playstyles and win cons of the two opposing decks won't be. Some decks will benefit massively from some anomalies while they'll do barely anything for the opponent. A few illustrative examples for wild:
2 extra cards for both players. The Even Warrior or whatever attempt at a control deck someone might be playing won't benefit nearly as much as the aggro/tempo deck that tends to vomit its hand out by turn 3. Giving that deck extra fuel makes it much more dangerous than getting the Warrior a small shot at an additional piece of removal. Same goes for combo decks, like Thaddius Treachery Warlock or Frog Shaman. They'll be able to land their early combos much more reliably than honest decks.
Yogg in hand. Absolutely, completely irrelevant in Wild as an actual card. But, clogs the hand for draw heavy decks, absolutely fucking annihilates DH trying to get Outcast off (jesus fucking christ), provides some degree of protection against Dirty Rat/Mutanus for toxic combo decks such as Tony Druid. There is zero upside to having a Yogg in hand for anyone other than OTKs that run just one or two key minions.
Reduction of starting hand by 1 mana: Tony Druid now kills you on turn 3 with the right hand. Mech Paladins no longer pay for anything after turn 2 if their opener is Radar Detector, Mech Warper + Galvanizer, which is what they mulli for. Frog Shaman kills on turn 3, turn 2 with coin, Discard Warlock snowballs Tiny Knight starting turn 1. Anything slow like Even Warrior looks like an absolute idiot in the meantime, cause their efficiency doesn't increase nearly as much as aggro decks getting their 1 drops for free and being able to developing snowballing 2 drops right at the start of the game.
I really like the art direction for the anomalies. Having Yogg visually corrupt the HS box is pretty cool. Keen to see the other anomalies and it's gonna make constructed quite interesting. Now we just need a masters tour with anomalies to see how the pros handle them in each game
Not a fan of the anomalies, because no one would want to lose to a dice roll so early in the match. At very least we know that the requirement is for the player to first put chogall into their deck, and then there's only a 1/4 chance of triggering it.
Would probably want to wait for the full list to be out first, but seriously, its looking increasingly like the proper anomaly can just end the game on turn 1 itself.
I'm predicting that one of Cho'gall's anomalies will replace both decks with one of Whizbang's decks.
Whizbang isn't in Standard, and while that doesn't mean it's impossible, it is highly unlikely.
Yogg isn't in standard either yet here he is in anomalies. If you didn't know, Whizbang still gives you standard only decks. He just pulls them from deck recipes that are already in the game and they are always standard only
Sorry, let me rephrase it: I think it's highly unlikely such an Anomaly will reference Whizbang himself, which was my original point. There's no need to do that, as it would be confusing for players who have no experience with the card.
If I pay for cards and I occasionally don’t get to use them in the limited time I have to play the game, I’ll be annoyed
Celestial Shot ain't got a lick on Croco-Bot
Fun piece of trivia for you guys: Bestial Madness is the first Shadow spell in Hunter in the game. As of this point, Warrior is now the only class in the game without any Shadow spells. And since we just got Hunter's first in this mini-set, who's to say the same can't happen for Warrior? Shadow for all!
And Shadow for all..!