For the first time since September 2014, we've got the ranked play ladder distribution for Hearthstone!

Hearthstone's Dean Ayala tweeted out the updated distribution, a bit more hidden then posting it on the main blog as they originally did, which comes from November 2019. Here are some observations, followed by the current distribution chart and the original. Keep in mind there have been changes to how ranked works since September 2014, which has definitely had an impact.

  • Climbing the ladder is now easier and likely feels more rewarding.
  • More players have hit rank 5 or higher, though a smaller amount of those are in Legend.
  • Being above rank 15 now means you're in the top 37% of players, which was previously 25% in 2014.
  • The number of players between 15 and 11 is similar, though 10 to 6 is slightly over doubled and 5 and up has tripled.
Current Distribution vs Original


Quote From Dean Ayala

Rank distribution for the end of November 2019. Data displays a players highest attained rank during the season. Must have played a game to be counted. A little different than data we posted in 2014, I imagine rank floors made the biggest difference.

Hi, thanks for these numbers. Can we have the number of active players also ?

I can't disclose player or revenue stuff. I can say that millions of people have returned to Hearthstone during this expansion, on top of the millions that were actively playing already :).

Can you put this image into the new post? I think it's still using the 2014 image

that was linking the 2014 post to compare, there is no new post, this is just an image I photoshopped with new data from that old post