There's a known adage stating that "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." Well...

Let's just say that I think there are some issues with the Twist Format. And judging by the amount of Legend players on Blizzard's leaderboards, the format isn't exactly enjoying a widespread popularity when compared to other Constructed formats. But why is that? Let's discuss!

Be wary, the following walls of text will contain personal opinions of the writer, a substance known to have the ability to cause strong emotional reactions.

A Lost Focus?

Where to begin? The issues I see are interlinked, so I'll probably repeat myself a couple of times here.

First question Blizzard should ask themselves is "Who is this format aimed towards?". Right now it seems that it tries to lure in both new players who haven't played in the past metas that the "Wonders" Twist tries to replicate to some extent, as well as older players who want to relive the past eras. However, I don’t think either group has been enjoying the format too much.

For newer players who have closer to no old cards to begin with are tasked to acquiring yet another (and even larger) set of cards in an era when there are more card releases than ever before. Blizzard has made some “ready-made decks” to be bought right out of the shop, and even if we wouldn’t think of that as a cash grab attempt, they aren’t exactly too cheap, especially if you don’t wish to commit to a single deck/strategy for all eternity. All in all, not too enticing.

For older players like myself, the nostalgia is a definite factor and I was very excited to relive the Gadgetzan era. As I remember it, Kazakus and his Highlander Kabal were trying to stop the aggression spearheaded by a certain Demon-Pirate and I re-joined the battle with my old Highlander C’Thun Warlock. Was it the same? Not really. Blizzard decided to buff a ton of old cards while also creating a new card set with some brand new cards, some of which are definitely affecting the meta. At least for me personally, an unaltered meta would’ve been much more fun.

Chamber of Viscidus Card Image Jade Telegram Card Image

What were these, Blizzard?!

Getting Stale?

Alright, maybe it’s just this season that wasn’t quite to my taste, at least the mode was supposed to have something new and exciting every season (= month), I’ll just wait for the next… oh, same card sets, but with 30-40 card decks. And the third season will be the same too, but with (buffed) Un’Goro cards added to the mix.

Maybe I misread their original intentions, but I expected a big card pool change each season to keep the format fresh. Admittedly, even the current “XL” season has seen some new experimentation, but for me personally, it feels like yet another stale format where you have to wait for up to 3 months to see if things change when your interest in the current state of meta drops. A missed opportunity when you think what could have been, if you ask me. But why did it get so stale? Allow me to blame the old favorite…


Circling back to the new card set created for the format, as well as the purchasable decks. Those things wouldn’t have the slightest chance to sell well if they had a “not necessarily valid in the Twist Format next month” label on them. Thus, in their attempt to cater newer players, Blizzard forced themselves into making Twist a slowly changing format.

Another aspect of the format’s monetization that I see unhealthy is the addition of a handful of brand new cards for the older players to collect, i.e. a reason to buy the new packs. Naturally, there had to be relatively many Legendary cards too (7 out of 34 new cards), because you should buy a lot of those packs. You can’t just expect to be able to use your existing collection towards which you already spent a lot of time and/or money, no… okay I might be getting too toxic here, so let’s move on.

Chromie, Timehopper Card Image The Scarab Lord Card Image Valstann Staghelm Card Image

"Yes, these were necessary additions" - Bobby Kotick, probably

Power Creeping

This is a very “doom and gloom” view of things and not a reason for the unpopularity of the format, but I see the mass buffing of old cards problematic for more than one reason. We already discussed #1: robbing some of my nostalgia. The second one is power creeping: by raising the power level of already existing cards, they’re limiting the design space for new ones (the best of which, in order to see play outside Standard, should be similar or greater in power level).

C'Thun Card Image C'Thun's Chosen Card Image Usher of Souls Card Image

I was indeed annoyed when I saw my beloved C'Thun deck buffed. Some people are just impossible to please.

To be fair, there are some cards in the buff list that won’t see play even after the changes but there are several cards on the list that did see play back in the days, so purely in the context of Twist they probably wouldn’t have needed buffs in the first place. But yet again, Blizzard is trying to cater two audiences at once – trying to show Wild players some love by attempting to make the cards playable there and risking making them meta-defining in the more limited Twist.

My Wishlist

Well, maybe that's enough complaining for one day. Now it's time to give constructive suggestions.

If you read the text above, you're probably not surprised that my first act as the Twist dictator would be to make large card set changes each month. I'd construct the Twist seasons via one of the following two ways (or use them interchangeably):

  • Historic Twist (using the sets of a previous Standard era)
  • Random Twist (using sets from a variety of Hearthstone Years).

The latter would definitely be fresh whereas the former would be a more nostalgic option. Making a special card pack containing the most useful cards for the season would be acceptable, but no adding brand new cards! We have enough yearly card releases as is.

Additionally, the idea of mass buffs should be dropped. There are thousands of cards in Wild, you can't simply make them all playable. Should there be any power outliers in Twist, Blizzard should just ban them. Or if you want to spice things up and get some community engagement, let players vote before/during the season for X cards to be banned. That could lead to interesting "what if" metas in the Historic Twist, giving the weaker cards a chance to shine without the need of buffing them.

Am I ignoring the new players here? Yes. I feel like any new format that requires a player-owned pool of cards is not going to be easy to enter for new players, so I wouldn't even try too hard to market the format for them. I would be willing to add a free trial period of X days to each of the preconstructed shop decks to let players get an idea of the format/current season without having to invest right away. That could also help with queue times of the format.

Rant over. Do you agree with my points above or did I miss something that's bothering you? Or perhaps you've been enjoying the mode greatly? Let us know your experience with the mode so far in the comments below!