Hearthstone is getting its first round of balance changes for Whizbang's Workshop "soon" according to a statement released by the official Twitter account. The following cards will be receiving adjustments:
- Awakening Tremors
- Tigress Plushy
- Deputization Aura
- Shroomscavate
- Thrall's Gift
- Aftershocks
- Odyn, Prime Designate
- Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (Ticking Module)
Additionally, Battlegrounds will also be receiving balance changes.
Quote From PlayHearthstone Balance changes are coming soon to Battlegrounds and Standard in Patch 29.0.3.
Personally, I'm quite fed up with Paladin-stone and am excited for these nerfs. Paladins just have too many good things right now: Rush, Lifesteal, handbuffs, boardbuffs, AOE, efficient tutoring. A bit of a tone-down is definitely warranted.
Odyn is also quite strong, though not as oppressive IMO. Even a 1 mana increase would be impactful, as it would close off a number of armor gain options from being played the same turn, like Hero Power and Shield Block.
Frost Lich Cross-Stitch never should have cost 5 to begin with, so I'm glad to see it on the buff list.
They once again caved in on gold players crying about week 1 classes that are generally known to perform well in unrefined metas. Watch paladin and warrior become tier 3 and therefore bad classes since that's the only decks they have. Now they will cry about warlock and hunter. Never pleased and balance team is just clueless
Certain things shouldve been addressed, like ticking module which seems almost an auto pick for nearly any and all zilliax. But Im less happy about the nerfs for paladin. All they needed to do is just remove windfury from shroomscavate. Even the plushy nerf seems like a nerf candidate simply because it has been performing well but not in consideration for what it offers the class.
Other nerfs;
- Awakening tremors might see the tokens be 3/1s. Any mana nerf here will immediately nuke the card
- Thrall's gift will almost certainly remove lightning bolt from the list of selections. Its quite funny actually how easily shaman just OTK people with some of the cheapest deck ever because of the easy availability of damage spells.
- Odyn will be nerfed to 9. I cant see how team5 can balance it other than increasing its mana cost.
- Aftershocks will likely cost 3 after discounts.
Deputization Aura should have been nerfed ages ago. It has been holding Paladin at the top of the meta ever since it entered the game.
I love Shroomscavate, but I'm more than willing to admit it's way too cheap.
For Thrall's Gift, I'm guessing they would just change which spells it offers? A Cost change would be weird.
Aftershocks should just be 3 mana, period, no reduction. Control Warrior casts a spell nearly every turn anyway.
I'm a little surprised at Awakening Tremors. Will it make 3/1 worms, or fewer worms?
I wonder how they're going to nerf Odyn. 10 mana? Seems harsh. Less stats? Barely matters. His effect can't really be adjusted without a full rework, so I dunno what else?
10 mana would not be a harsh nerf for a rest-of-game effect that nearly ensures inevitability and has no other prerequisites. I wish they could do more, but I don't think they will.
Good, maybe now Reddit can stop complaining about Pala-ZILLIAX?! What'd he do?! He's innocent, I tell ye, INNOCENT!