The final batch of cards from Galakrond's Awakening, ready for you to review our reviews. Don't worry, you don't need to do much; after all, we are always right, 100% of the time. No need to check out previous reviews to fact check that, I've already done that and I promise we've never been even a tiny bit wrong.

The Fist of Ra-den Card Image


Quote From Demonxz95

The final Legendary is a Shaman card and not everyone is happy about it. Out of all classes, why Shaman? They already got 3 Legendaries in the base set, and now they got another here for a whopping 4 Legendaries in one set. I guess The Runespear was so bad that it basically didn't exist. Shamans now lead in Legendary count overall, and the rarities of this adventure are so all over the place. Maybe the next set will fix that?

As far as the card itself goes, this is basically an Atiesh that you put in your deck. I suppose it's cool that it's back in Standard and you no longer have to play Medivh, the Guardian to get this effect, although it pays an arguably larger penalty for the effect. You can play it on turn 4, although that's quite poor in terms of tempo and there aren’t many spells that curve into this well as the Shaman’s 5-Cost spells are a bit situational. If you do this though, the minions you summon may possibly make up for the loss of tempo by playing the card. The 1 extra Durability can actually be quite significant too. It does have good synergy with the new Eye of the Storm card, getting a 10-drop in addition to your 5/6 Taunt walls.

It's a really fun and cool card that has the potential to make some waves, although it's not overpowered in my opinion.

Boom Squad Card Image

Ok, Dr. Boomer...

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

From what I understand, this will always offer you one Lackey, one Mech and one Dragon. It's a very cool choice, which can be broadly separated as a low-cost, mid-cost and high-cost card. Obviously sometimes you'll low-roll the Dragon, or high-roll the Mech, but in general you'll be able to pick an option relative to one of those three situations.

I think the most interesting aspect of this card is that it explicitly helps two Warrior archetypes - Mech and Dragon - while simultaneously offering you some diversity in those decks. You're not hemmed in to a massive Dragon if you need something to play right away.

I don't know that this is strong enough to make the cut, but it's a fun addition if you're going all in on a theme, and is certainly a worthy pick in Arena.

Risky Skipper Card Image

"This trick saves three seconds, but we'll blow up if I miss it..."

Quote From linkblade91

First thing to note: it doesn't say "other" minions, so Risky Skipper will eventually kill himself if you're not careful. Looking beyond that, this is a better version of Animated Berserker if you can benefit from the AoE. Could be something you'd want to use for an Enrage board (if those still exist), but it mostly allows for a few quick Whirlwinds to clear out those pesky 1/1 Imps and/or Lackeys. The really spicy play, however, is with another new card: Bomb Wrangler. Explosions for everyone!

…Really weird that the Skipper is not a Pirate.

Waxmancy Card Image

Can't take candle if you're made of candle.

Quote From Demonxz95

Do you guys remember Primordial Glyph? Well, Rogues have now gotten their own version now. It's not nearly as egregious as Primordial Glyph as it can't Discover itself and create a chain of triggers, as well the fact that the applicable pool is significantly more diluted and larger overall. That said, it still has the same potential to be as annoying at times. Blazing Invocation has seen some occasional play, and this has the same effect with a total of -1 mana with the played minion. This is evened out by the fact that Rogues don't have much Battlecry synergy outside of Spirit of the Shark which will rotate out next set.

It's hard to say where this will find a home as Battlecry triggers aren't quite as important as spell triggers for Glyph. Cards like that and Haunting Visions always have some potential for play, although the lesser synergy and less reliable pool may be the downfall of the card.

Bomb Wrangler Card Image

"Bomb's away!" // "Well get it the fuck back then!"

Quote From NudeWookie

I love Bombs, I'm here for this! Is this card good? Maybe. Actually the more I think about it as I write this, the better I like this card. It's almost the equivalent of a SN1P-SN4P on turn 3 and has potential to be better; also it's here for a while and doesn't rotate in April. Boom Bots are incredibly powerful, especially in the early game. I like watching things blow up, so I can't wait to try this in a new and improved Bomb Warrior. More explosions just make me happy and this is a great tool for an explosion-oriented tempo deck. Blastmaster Boom has a new best friend in Bomb Wrangler.

Skyvateer Card Image

I'm not even gonna bother, that pun is just perfect on its own.

Quote From Demonxz95

Skyvateer is a card that I place in the "weird" category. For a Stealth minion, the statline is just so bizarre. It is technically better than Loot Hoarder, although Loot Hoarder's Deathrattle is easier to activate as it's easier for it to die. Deathrattle synergies are something that Rogue does occasionally get, so it has a home for its use. It could be good for a typical Deathrattle Rogue, although you'd never play it in Necrium Rogue (if that's even still a thing after the nerf).

I have very… strange feelings about the card. It's not bad. It's technically better than Loot Hoarder which has sometimes seen play across the game’s history. But at the same time, it's also technically worse too. I guess whichever one you run is entirely up to personal preference. It is a Pirate, which is significant for something, although Pirate Rogue has always been a meme deck no matter how hard they try. I'm sure that this card will see some play, but it just feels so weird to me.

Explosive Evolution Card Image

Darwinism Speedrun World Record in 0:07 (Glitchless, The Darkness Skip Banned)

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

I know so many people are sick of Evolve-related effects, but I just love them so much. I'm glad that this actually costs some mana and is only single-target, so hopefully it won't be oppressive in any way.

Don't get me wrong, this is a strong card. But it's not the kind of card that will help define a combo, like Mutate and Mogu Fleshshaper, or Evolve and Desert Hare. I expect to see this in Midrange or Tempo Shaman lists, used on a minion which has traded favourably to hopefully upgrade it into something that'll get another trade in.

I could perhaps see something happening in Battlecry-related lists, because there's now enough redundancy with Mutate to make things like Former Champ a real consideration. Nothing mind-blowing like previous combos, but something cool.

Twisted Knowledge Card Image

We've got a 2-for-1 sale on terrible, mind altering secrets today. Would you prefer damaging or discarding?

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

Two cards for one card; you even get to pick from three for each one! This isn't anything fancy, but I can see it as a solid addition to a more controlling style of Warlock, especially something Highlander where every extra card matters.

There's truly not much to say, but I think that's what I like about it. It's card advantage, but done well because Warlock cards can kind of suck sometimes. There are a lot of cards that negatively impact your own board, hand or health, and sometimes you may have to pick one of them with this. I think that inherent danger is a fun aspect of playing Warlock that often falls to the wayside because, to be clear, it's not usually a good way of playing Warlock. Especially when you're not totally in control of which damaging cards you're playing in any game.

I think I'll throw a couple of these in any Warlock deck I play, just for the fun of it. Is that a good idea? Of course not. I just don't care.

Fiendish Servant Card Image

"Here... take my power..." // "How?" // "Just grab... the bombs... idiot..."

Quote From NudeWookie

Ok, so Eggs Zoolock is getting more support? That's pretty scary. It's not hard to imagine a perfect situation where this is played on turn 1 into an Egg on turn 2 for the Egg to be buffed. This can be used strategically for making trades better and improves the token-style play of lackeys and Galakrond Warlock dramatically. If Power Overwhelming were still in standard, this card would see so much play and be ridiculous. I like the idea of high attack staying on the board off a Deathrattle and any investment you make into buffing this humble servant continues to serve your Demon token army further.  

Shadow Sculptor Card Image

Guess today's the day I meet my maker.

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

One-shot Gadgetzan Auctioneer in the class that played him to death? Not too shabby. You even get to draw for minions and weapons, too, not just your spells.

Auctioneer rarely lasted longer than a turn anyway. This does have downsides in comparison - you can't use cards you draw from it to extend the draw engine, for example - but I think overall this is worth experimenting with in Miracle-based lists. It may even find some sort of place in non-Miracle Rogue decks, simply because Rogues can churn out quite a few cards in a turn and having a way to recoup those spent resources is very valuable. Its high cost may be the deciding factor there - there's only so much you can do in a turn before you run out of mana to also play Shadow Sculptor.

Cleric of Scales Card Image

She's weigh ahead of you.

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

Now, I don't remember if we've seen an official ruling on this, but let me lay out what I think the interaction is going to be. I believe you will draw the spell you Discover from your deck, rather than creating a copy of it.

I'm taking this from the wording of Stitched Tracker - which explicitly calls out that it's a copy - and Master's Call - whose first sentence doesn't explicitly say that it draws the card from your deck but we know from playing that that's what it does.

Knowing that, this seems… fine? It's kind of an odd one, but I guess they don't have a 1-drop Dragon Synergy card in Standard (unless I'm blanking hard) so why not run it in your Dragon Priest lists, right?