Here's all of Perils in Paradise card flavor text ahead of the expansion launch next week on July 23.

Perils in Paradise Death Knight Flavor Text

  • Buttons - "I'll give you an arm and a leg for your Flametongue Pin."
  • Eliza Goreblade - Dead men tell no tales, but Undead Pirates are yappers.
  • Frostbitten Freebooter - Alongside Eliza Goreblade and Peggy Brittlebone, the three Pirate Sisters terrorize the sea.
  • Slippery Slope - It's all downhill from here.
  • Horizon's Edge - Originally named Horizony McHorizonface.
  • Snow Shredder - "Yeah dude, snowboarding is like, totally safe. I've only ever been injured once."
  • Brittlebone Buccaneer - How much does a pirate pay for corn? A buck an ear arr arr arrr arrr!
  • Ghouls' Night - "Ohmygosh, did you hear what Jessicorpse said to Deathanny??"
  • Corpsicle - Comes in three tasty flavors: Gross, Disgusting, and Chocolate!
  • Dreadhound Handler - The handler being undead speaks to a spotty safety record.

Perils in Paradise Demon Hunter Flavor Text

Perils in Paradise Druid Flavor Text

Perils in Paradise Hunter Flavor Text

  • Sasquawk - He makes your last turn this turn. But if you play him next turn, your next turn is this turn. Doing both would make this turn last turn and next turn this turn. Which turn is this next turn last turn?
  • Ranger Gilly - Get you someone who looks at you the way Ranger Gilly looks at that Crocolisk.
  • Death Roll - There's a Crocolisk on my boot!
  • Chatty Macaw - Stop repeating yourself! Stop repeating yourself!
  • Furious Fowls - They were already mad and you had to call them 'foul'??
  • Birdwatching - A bird in the hand is worth two in the deck.
  • Parrot Sanctuary - Did you know? It's very loud in a parrot sanctuary. This has been bird facts with Ranger Gilly.
  • Trusty Fishing Rod - That's weird? I can only catch magic carps with this old fishing rod.
  • Pet Parrot - You are REQUIRED to give it crackers. It's the Bird Law.
  • Catch of the Day - Only its fish mother thinks it's a catch.

Perils in Paradise Mage Flavor Text

Perils in Paradise Paladin Flavor Text

  • Sunsapper Lynessa - Paladins are sooo lawful that they start feeling like a Rogue just by sitting on someone else's beach chair.
  • Sanc'Azel - That castle has some serious drip.
  • Sea Shanty - Time for some well-earned arrr and arrr.
  • Service Ace - No shirt, no shoes, YES service!
  • Lifeguard - Hey, no aggro in the pool!
  • Divine Brew - I'm on a cleanse, do you have any Light drinks?
  • Lifesaving Aura - One ring to rule them all, and in the sunlight save them.
  • Power Spike - Jeff, when I said this deck needs a power spike I did not mean it like that.
  • Grillmaster - Do you want your steak well done, rare, or LEGENDARY?
  • Volley Maul - "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." - LAME PARTY POOPERS

Perils in Paradise Priest Flavor Text

Perils in Paradise Rogue Flavor Text

Perils in Paradise Shaman Flavor Text

  • Carress, Cabaret Star - Some Naga use their mastery over the elements to go on villainous conquests. Others put on a show!
  • Carefree Cookie - Moisturized, unbothered, and in his cauldron.
  • Razzle-Dazzler - Look out Dancin' Deryl, he's coming for your job.
  • Natural Talent - Unfortunately, they got 2nd place at the talent show with their synchronized swimming routine.
  • [Hearthstone Card (Frosty D?cor) Not Found] - "Yeah, Nature magic pays the bills, but my passion lies elsewhere."
  • Cabaret Headliner - "Ummm... I don't C a beret????"
  • Siren Song - "Sing along if you know the lyrics! -- WEEWOOWEEWOO!"
  • Matching Outfits - On Wednesdays we wear pink!
  • Meltemental - "Who left these wet bracers on the ground?"
  • Malted Magma - Most celebrities nope out at this one.

Perils in Paradise Warlock Flavor Text

Perils in Paradise Warrior Flavor Text

Perils in Paradise Neutral Flavor Text

  • Marin the Manager - Mawin! Mawin is what bwings us togethaaa... today.
  • Incindius - "I had nothing to do with that eruption! I never even met Kezandius!"
  • A. F. Kay - Talk to the hand 'cause the mouth is sippin'.
  • Griftah, Trusted Vendor - "Tiki mugs will match any kind of home d?cor! They're timeless!"
  • Gorgonzormu - Don't remove this from your deck or else you'll be cutting the cheese.
  • Seaside Giant - Everywhere's the shallow end when you're 88 feet tall.
  • Dread Deserter - "I uh... need to go walk my uh? fish."
  • Carry-On Grub - Early worm gets priority boarding.
  • Mixologist - You can't put your pinky up when you only have 3 fingers.
  • Adaptive Amalgam - We've only explored 5% of the ocean. So there's like a 95% chance this is accurate.
  • Package Dealer - I'm always getting my neighbor's mail. And my other neighbor. And my other neighbor. I'm stealing their packages.
  • Octo-masseuse - Oh yeah, all of those are the spots.
  • Bumbling Bellhop - Put some respect on his name: Estebone Soulio Screamcardo Groantoya De la Grossa Ramirooze.
  • Customs Enforcer - Anything to declare? "yes... CHAMPION! Azeroth cries out..."
  • Travel Agent - I could've hired her or some Dodo.
  • Beached Whale - Call me Illidan. Some years ago ? never mind how long precisely ? having little or no gold in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on Azeroth, I thought I would fly about a little and see the demony part of the world?
  • Snoozin' Zookeeper - You snooze, you lose (track of a very large and hungry panther).
  • Weapons Attendant - Hotel policy states that you must leave your weapons at the front desk. But GOOD NEWS! You can also buy weapons at the back desk!!
  • Bayfin Bodybuilder - Loves to run in flow motion.
  • Scrapbooking Student - "?and this is the time I rode a dinosaur, and this is the time that I helped solve a murder, and this is the time I got corrupted by the Old Gods..."
  • Wave Pool Thrasher - Used to be called Wave Pool Splasher until 'The Incident'.
  • Resort Valet - "This is my last resort!"
  • Sleepy Resident - Shouldn?t this be a Priest card?
  • Lamplighter - The elemental licked the oil and everybody laughed.
  • Overplanner - "Hey kids, what do you call an arrogant skydiving pirate? A condescending con descending!"
  • Cryopractor - It's really hard to book an appointment, she always gives her clients the cold shoulder.
  • Hozen Roughhouser - NO MONKEY BUSINESS! ...not yet...
  • Sailboat Captain - I just shipped my pandaren!
  • Concierge - So THAT'S who's making all those keys for my Arena runs.
  • Terrible Chef - Anyone can cook! But not them.
  • Coconut Cannoneer - You think these just fell out of a coconut tree?
  • XB-931 Housekeeper - "WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?" "You gain Armor." "OH GOD."
  • Bloodsail Recruiter - I want YOU! To plunder from the innocent!
  • Drink Server - Make sure to tip to help him with his fin-ances.
  • Tidepool Pupil - "Z-I-N A-S-H-A-R-Y!"