To round up the reveal season, Paladin goes where no other Paladin has gone before, all in service of one message: Buy the Holy Light!. The Great Dark Beyond with card reveals conclude on day 13.

The Great Dark Beyond Card Reveals for October 23, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for The Great Dark Beyond on October 23, 2024.

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Is it just me or does this Libram package look kinda... really bad. The Librams are strong, but the Libram support cards are so much weaker than the first round. 2/3 weapon and 4/2 Divine Shield are just bad statlines, as opposed to the original amazing 1 mana 1/3 and decent 4/6 Taunt. Add on the cards requiring you to get them to 0, and I'm honestly not that impressed. Libram of Wisdom was such a strong card because it could easily cost 0 and it was still okayish at full cost if you had nothing else. You CANNOT play Libram of Divinity without four discounts, because then it's just a single buff. You also miss the amazing anti-aggro and board threat tool with no Libram of Hope.
Maybe they were scared to push Librams with Sunsapper Lynessa, but if that's the case why even make a design like this in the same set rotation?
Lumia - The most anti aggro card that ever existed. Basically if you opponent is aggro and has no spell answer to this card you practically win the game because there's really not much they can do other than heal you back to 30 and waste a turn. Unfortunately, outside of aggro this card will likely cost you damage rather than gain. Will it see play though, obviously yes. Any card that hard counters an entire archetype will never be left unplayed.
Yrel, Beacon of Hope - If librams are good this will see play. Not much else to say about this card other than point out that rush allows you to control this minion's deathrattle triggering, which obviously is a good thing.
Celestial Aura - Its the kind of card that's funny to meme about but in paladin is probably useless. The only thing unique about it is that in a way, this sort of counters certain AoE effects like Threads of Despair
Libram of Divinity - Id just like to point out that Lady Liadrin is in standard. Yes, this card will likely be aggravating enough to get nerfed at some point.
Well, there's really not much reason to rate the other libram cards because ultimately it'll only be playable in a libram deck. Just cheapen them down, and the game practically flows like the old libram pally without broomstick really. Id be surprised if libram pally isnt at least tier 1-2 because its a solid deck that does what paladin does, just put minions down and eventually win.
Paladin's set this time is certainly not as interesting as the previous three expansions