Dean Ayala has confirmed that we won't be seeing any balance changes to Standard or Wild until after the next expansion launches.
Although it may not be news that Wild wasn't going to be receiving any changes any time soon after a discussion Dean had last week, it's good to know that Standard players also shouldn't expect any changes. With only a little over a month to go until the expected release of the first 2020 Hearthstone expansion, it isn't exactly a surprise that there won't be any changes since the rotation alone is going to cause a huge shakeup for the Standard meta.
Dean says the team thinks the Meta looks and feels fun, do you agree? If you were to make any balance changes, what would they be? Let us know in the comments below!
Quote From Dean Ayala Discussed making constructed changes today but meta looks and feels fun. Unlikely to make any changes to wild or standard until post expansion data and sentiment rolls in.
Ballance hasen‘t gotten the attention ist deserves. Noone is complaining!
You can play basicly any class you want competitivly except shaman but i guess most people are fine with that for the time being, considering the last year.
And even then, there are some viable T2 shaman decks out there
Hey, today is a Tuesday. We are about a month away from expansion time.. Announcement??? Fingers crossed!
They confirmed mid-March, so probably either next week or the week after
The Standard meta is enjoyable right now, though I wish Blizzard didn’t consider weeks of the same static meta to be a healthy situation. Changes are fun!
I am making my own fun by trying out meme stuff. Maybe will try to do some serious laddering by the end of the month but for now I am only goofing around on casual and as soon as I smell face hunter, control priest or token druid I am out.
Wild meta is in check, since there are no god-tier decks on sniplock levels.
We've seen worse.
Yet there are still many meta-tyrants that warp viability and fun, thanks to some flaws they can abuse (mainly stuff reduced to (0) cost with minor effort).
It's not fun being burned out in 5-6 turns with little to no countermoves (eg.Secret Mage, Mechadin), it's not fun getting suddenly smashed by an early, uncounterable Darkest Hour, etc.
We can survive until next xpack I guess, but then I expect a substantial change from it and its nerf patch.
My secret to enjoying wild is I intentionally don't get past rank 10. I don't see too many T-1 decks and so I am able to experiment with more stuff without getting killed on turn 5-6 every game.
While I understand your take, I refuse it as a solution: it's like a professional runner voluntarily cutting off his own leg in order to enjoy the feeling of running the paralympic competition (with the best respect for the category).
I don't want to diminish what you do, but the thing holds just because you decided to give value to staying at low ranks. Personally, i'm unable to do that (and just to be precise, I'm not even talking of very high ranks either, just stuff around r5).
Just like them on turn 5 yourself... Though wild is like even mechathun is almost always active on 10
Meta is healthy. As for fun, can't say for sure. Its either I get blown out by BM happy face/dragon hunters, or enduring that spectacle that is Reno's random spells going against me and costing me the game.
The Amazing Reno is in particularly problematic, not because the card is OP but because nearly every turn is an unpredictable mess that literally decides games on a basis of a coin toss.
Looking forward to Year of the Phoenix already.
While I am not a big fan of Reno's hero power, I guess that was the whole point?
I honestly feel the meta is quite stable. Yes, there is a dominance of Secret Mages and Mech Paladins (with Quest Mage on the rise) but I wouldn't say that any of these decks are OP and should be nerfed. Are they fun or annoying to play? Well, that depends on who you ask I would imagine.
I dont think I ever met a single mage that isnt highlander throughout DoD. I must be the only quest mage playing around in standard. And no, its not good.
I dont have anything against The Amazing Reno. Its obviously intended HP was to balance out the ridiculous battlecry. But I cant help feeling like matches are determined solely because Reno swung in/against your favor.
I think he meant quest mage in wild with Open the Waygate. Combo mage is starting to gain more traction in wild.
Yes, I was talking about wild.
I agree that we don't need any balance changes right now, but I don't agree with their opinion that the meta "feels fun".
Hurry up Year of the Phoenix!