OH! SHINY! A crafting conundrum

Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by

With the release of Scholomance Academy looming ever so close, I can already feel my fingers start to twitch closer and closer to the Mass Dust option after cracking my packs to start crafting all the wonderful things that I didn't get.  I am trying my absolute best to try and keep myself from doing it this time around.  It was a rough one with Ashes of Outland because there were so many issues with the power of Demon Hunter, once I thought that the nerfs were done, I was totally wrong and ended up losing out on a lot of potential crafting.

Along those thought lines is where I am currently stuck.  I can see the sheer power of a number of the cards in this release.  I KNOW that the nerfs are coming and probably in places that not a lot of us are seeing (Although I would bet that Secret Passage will be errata'd to say something like, "At the end of turn discard those cards" or the cost will go to (3)).  

What I am getting at, finally, is what does everyone else do to keep yourself from dusting things too early or not craft something that looks amazing, but is in all reality mediocre?  After Galakrond launched, I had a surplus of dust and finally crafted Raza the Chained and Kazakus to finally put together my Highlander Priest.  I recently had another legendary amount of dust and instead of going the smarter route and get Reliquary of Souls, I crafted Activate the Obelisk and have been regretting my decision since.  

Granted, they are both solid cards and I like playing the quest, I just inherently made the wrong decision in crafting.  So my final question is what do all of you do to keep from crafting cards that look like they are amazing, but in reality are lame and/or restricted to being used in specific decks?

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    With the release of Scholomance Academy looming ever so close, I can already feel my fingers start to twitch closer and closer to the Mass Dust option after cracking my packs to start crafting all the wonderful things that I didn't get.  I am trying my absolute best to try and keep myself from doing it this time around.  It was a rough one with Ashes of Outland because there were so many issues with the power of Demon Hunter, once I thought that the nerfs were done, I was totally wrong and ended up losing out on a lot of potential crafting.

    Along those thought lines is where I am currently stuck.  I can see the sheer power of a number of the cards in this release.  I KNOW that the nerfs are coming and probably in places that not a lot of us are seeing (Although I would bet that Secret Passage will be errata'd to say something like, "At the end of turn discard those cards" or the cost will go to (3)).  

    What I am getting at, finally, is what does everyone else do to keep yourself from dusting things too early or not craft something that looks amazing, but is in all reality mediocre?  After Galakrond launched, I had a surplus of dust and finally crafted Raza the Chained and Kazakus to finally put together my Highlander Priest.  I recently had another legendary amount of dust and instead of going the smarter route and get Reliquary of Souls, I crafted Activate the Obelisk and have been regretting my decision since.  

    Granted, they are both solid cards and I like playing the quest, I just inherently made the wrong decision in crafting.  So my final question is what do all of you do to keep from crafting cards that look like they are amazing, but in reality are lame and/or restricted to being used in specific decks?

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Focus more on the haves and not the have-nots. When you open your packs(if you haven't alrady) see what you can do with what you've got, until a couple weeks past and everything settles. Play decks you have been playing testing out new additions, things like that. Or if you're like me and there's something specific you want more than anything else that fits into something you are already enjoying playing(Shan'do Wildclaw) craft only that if you don't get it.


    Don't go in for the super turbo meta deck everyone says is unwinnable, because it'll be countered in two days, and you'll be stuck with a deck that easily loses to everything on ladder.

    Living like that.

  • SLima's Avatar
    The Undying 560 415 Posts Joined 08/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I also have a hard time stopping myself from using my dust. I usually don't regret crafting stuff but that's certainly not the best way to use your resources. This time i'll be a lot more careful because i can already see lots of nerfs happening. I'll have to play only with what i got from the packs and so far it's only disappointing cards for me. I haven't seen any cards that i can consider a must craft for the archetypes that i want to play so it's smarter to wait.

    "True mastery takes dedication."

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I remember being in the spot you are in. The only solution is a long term goal of spending actual money on this game AND shrewd dust management. After years of being a player that was always stressing about dust every time I needed something I now sit on a healthy dragon’s hoard of around 12,000 and have no fear for anything I need.


    I stay shrewd though. If anything gets nerfed I dust it regardless. My golden Queen Alex... dusted. If I ever need to use it again I can decide which one I want. I had my fun. Any card that I am currently not using same thing. I dust my last two copies. I can buy them again

    As for hitting that button I have to say HELL FCKIN NO. Disenchant manually. It’s a chore but I’ve had it before that the nerf rounds catch me by surprise and I got whallopped on dust refund. Never dust anything that possibly could be nerfed. Dust garbage cards only.


    Remember, everyone: they are showing a proclivity to nerf cards more regularly now. Don’t be that guy that hit the button dusting 12 copies of a rare that would’ve yielded you so much more if you just had some patience



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