Burning Blade Acolyte

Card Stats
- Class Neutral
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Rare
- Cost 5
- Attack 1
- Health 1
Card Text
Deathrattle: Summon a 5/8 Demonspawn with Taunt.
Flavor Text
Wields a disappointingly normal looking blade.
Deathrattle - Does something when it dies.
Taunt - Enemies must attack this minion.
Burning Blade Acolyte Sounds
Play VO_BAR_072_Male_Orc_Play_01
Play SwordHeavy_Underlay_Play
Attack VO_BAR_072_Male_Orc_Attack_02
Attack SwordHeavy_Underlay_Attack
Death VO_BAR_072_Male_Orc_Death_01
Death SwordHeavy_Underlay_Death
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DemonspawnLeave a Comment
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Obvious Demon Hunter card
I can see maybe Warlock having some fun destroying it, but that sounds like mere meme material.
Wont see play, and you can expect seeing it coming out of random effects... to your liekly dismay
If you can trigger the deathrattle, then sure. OTher than that it's another version of Twilight Summoner