It has tons of potential, but I'm not sure yet how the card works... How does it interacts with discovery effects and card creation? You get cards from the disguised class? If you are disguised as a mage and play Wand Thief the disguise comes out? What about the triclass cards in wild? Can you hero power?
I love this card. One of the things that separate HS from other card games is that if you know the meta, you can easily guess what your opponent is playing based on their class before you even mulligan. With this card, you could get your opponent to mulligan wrong and lose the game by mulligan away cards they would otherwise keep.
MeneldorChild of Galakrond 375204 PostsJoined 07/26/2019
Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
Rogue players have every right to be salty over this one. Seems like too much of a meme card to be a class legendary. The only use is maybe a tech card in tournaments. From the competitive/value point this card sucks.
This is 5 star fun whether it is good or not doesn't matter to me.
It has tons of potential, but I'm not sure yet how the card works...
How does it interacts with discovery effects and card creation? You get cards from the disguised class?
If you are disguised as a mage and play Wand Thief the disguise comes out? What about the triclass cards in wild?
Can you hero power?
I dunno, it's a 2 mana 3/2 that can cause your opponent to mulligan improperly. I think people are underestimating how important a good mulligan is...
I am wondering how this could be viable
I love this card. One of the things that separate HS from other card games is that if you know the meta, you can easily guess what your opponent is playing based on their class before you even mulligan. With this card, you could get your opponent to mulligan wrong and lose the game by mulligan away cards they would otherwise keep.
Rogue players have every right to be salty over this one. Seems like too much of a meme card to be a class legendary. The only use is maybe a tech card in tournaments. From the competitive/value point this card sucks.
Nice meme tho
I remember seeing this card in a Kripp rates CustomHS cards video. It looked great then and it's great now, very flavorful.
Oh this is interesting. You could go and have an all neutral game until the last card.