Enthusiastic Banker

Enthusiastic Banker Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

At the end of your turn, store a card from your deck. Deathrattle: Add the stored cards to your hand.

Flavor Text

She offers 0% interest.


Deathrattle - Does something when it dies.

Enthusiastic Banker Sounds

Play VO_SW_069_Female_Draenei_Play_01

Attack VO_SW_069_Female_Draenei_Attack_01

Death VO_SW_069_Female_Draenei_Death_01


  • Grumpy000's Avatar
    1880 1159 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Interesting mechanic - in most cases it will be at least a 3/2/3 with one draw - not bad

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    In theory, it would be amazing to have in aggro decks to fill your hand back up.  In reality, there are more silence cards to be played so the pay off will be minimal

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    This is effectively a mana tide totem, that doesn't give you the card until it dies, and is vulnerable to transform/silence effects.  The only saving grace is it at least has 2 attack but overall this seems like a very bad card.

  • Anathemos's Avatar
    540 133 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I wonder -- does either the "store a card" or the Deathrattle's "add to your hand" count as a drawn card for purposes of the Demon Hunter questline?

    • PLANETCRUNCH's Avatar
      E.V.I.L. Dragon 820 1248 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
      Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

      Don't think so, since when you discover a card it's added to your hand, not drawn. 

      I imagine this works similarly 

      • Anathemos's Avatar
        540 133 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

        Hm. If the "added to your hand" cards count as cards created by the deathrattle, that suggests that a golden Enthusiastic Banker gives you golden cards, even if the cards she "stored" weren't golden.

        What? I like shiny things 😕

        • PLANETCRUNCH's Avatar
          E.V.I.L. Dragon 820 1248 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
          Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

          I uh...suppose that's a logical assumption, although it pulls from your deck...so maybe it depends on the car it pulls? 

          • Anathemos's Avatar
            540 133 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
            Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

            If the power was “draw from your deck”, you’d get whatever the card is, and it wouldn’t matter whether she was golden. But as I read the power, she basically eats the card, then her deathrattle creates a new copy of the card in your hand—so I think it would follow the rule of “golden cards generate golden cards”.

            Also, if you trigger her deathrattle early (e.g. with Feign Death) I think you’d get all her stored cards then, and then get those cards *again* when she dies?


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