Battlecry: If you control a Secret, gain +1/+1 and Stealth.
Pump up the ram, pump it up. While your hooves are stompin’.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Secret - Hidden until a specific action occurs on your opponent's turn.
Stealth - Can't be attacked or targeted until it attacks.
Play VO_AV_335_Female_Dwarf_Play_01
Attack VO_AV_335_Female_Dwarf_Attack_01
Death VO_AV_335_Female_Dwarf_Death_01
3 for a 5/4 Stealth is pretty strong. Given that it requires you to play more Secrets, as long as we see other playable Secrets this is definitely a great card especially with Rinling's Rifle poking around
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3 for a 5/4 Stealth is pretty strong. Given that it requires you to play more Secrets, as long as we see other playable Secrets this is definitely a great card especially with Rinling's Rifle poking around