Arcane Dynamo

Arcane Dynamo Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Battlecry: Discover a spell that costs (5) or more.

Flavor Text

We ran out of jars, so we started putting brains in other stuff.


Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.

Discover - Choose one of three cards to add to your hand.

Arcane Dynamo Sounds

Play VO_BOT_539_Female_Jellyfish_Play_01

Play ArcaneDynamo_Underlay_Play

Attack VO_BOT_539_Female_Jellyfish_Attack_01

Attack ArcaneDynamo_Underlay_Attack

Death VO_BOT_539_Female_Jellyfish_Death_01

Death ArcaneDynamo_Underlay_Death

Game Accessories

Big Bad Spells Discover Discover Discovery Discovery Go Big


  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2283 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I love the idea of this card. Obviously, it would be too strong if you could play the spell you discover right away. But would it? I've used it a fair bit, and it can be hard to find the right time, since it's basically 6-mana do nothing. If it was 5-mana, you could only get instant value by discovering a 5-mana spell, and there might not be one offered. Food for thought.


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