The Boomsday Project Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

Dr. Boom returns to wreak havoc in The Boomsday Project, Hearthstone's 9th Expansion. It released on August 7th 2018 - Patch Notes

Expansion Overview

Deep within Netherstorm, Dr. Boom's Laboratory has been staffed with some scientists of questionable intent, bringing us 135 new cards. 

Free Stuff!

Players that logged in during the launch period were received three Boomsday packs and one random class legendary.

When puzzle labs launched, players were rewarded 3 additional card packs.

Pre-Order Bundles

Two bundles were available. A more expensive version was available with a brand new hero for Warlocks!

Boomsday Bundle

  • Mecha-Jaraxxus Card Back
  • A random Golden Legendary from the Boomsday Project
  • 50 Boomsday Project card packs
  • Priced at $49.99 USD



This alternate Warlock hero was available only through the Mega Bundle pre-order for this set. He has all-new voice lines:

  • Thanks: "THANK YOU."
  • Well played: "WELL PLAYED!"
  • Greetings: "Welcome. TO OBLIVION!"
  • Wow: "IMPRESSIVE."
  • Oops: "ERROR. ERROR."



Mechs & Magnetic

These were the most mech minions we've seen in a set since Goblins vs Gnomes, however Boomsday brings a new twist to mech synergy. Magnetic is a major component of this set.

  • Magnetic allows the minion to merge with existing mechs on the board.
  • Placing the Magnetic minion on the left of a mech will merge it. Placing it on the right will not trigger this keyword.
  • All stats and text are merged into a single minion. The token of the existing minion remains, but with a buff.
  • Mechs buffed by Magnetic can be silenced.
  • You can fuse as many Mechs as you desire, but but they are vulnerable to silence effects.
  • If a minion was able to attack, it will still be able to attack after having a Magnetic minion merge with it.

Boomsday Mechs

Coppertail Imposter
Kaboom Bot
Missile Launcher
Rusty Recycler
Spider Bomb

Beryllium Nullifier
Damaged Stegotron
Faithful Lumi
Mechanical Whelp
Security Rover
Spring Rocket

Blightnozzle Crawler
Dead Ringer
Piloted Reaper
Steel Rager
Weaponized Piñata

Bronze Gatekeeper
Spark Drill
Unpowered Mauler

Bull Dozer
Eternium Rover
Goblin Bomb
Replicating Menace
Spark Engine
Upgradeable Framebot

Legendary Spells

We have not seen Legendary spells since the first in Journey to Un'Goro. Each has a very powerful effect, and rightly so.

Flark's Boom-Zooka Card ImageFloop's Glorious Gloop Card ImageKangor's Endless Army Card ImageLuna's Pocket Galaxy Card ImageMyra's Unstable Element Card Image
The Boomship Card ImageThe Soularium Card ImageThe Storm Bringer Card ImageZerek's Cloning Gallery Card Image


Projects are a set of 4 cards of a similar theme. Each card benefits both players.

Biology Project Card ImageDemonic Project Card ImageResearch Project Card ImageWeapons Project Card Image


Five Omega cards bring us a mechanic we haven't quite seen before. These average cards get a massive power spike when played once you have 10 Mana.

Omega Agent Card ImageOmega Assembly Card ImageOmega Defender Card ImageOmega Medic Card ImageOmega Mind Card Image

Puzzle Lab

These devilishly tricky puzzles have been concocted by the Lab Heads and their assistants at Boom Labs to test your mettle - don't worry, they're perfectly safe! Just make sure you don't fail any of them...

In the Puzzle Labs, you will find four different types of Puzzle:

  • Lethal Puzzles - Find a way to defeat your opponent this turn.
  • Mirror Puzzles - Make your board match your opponent's.
  • Board Clear Puzzles - Clear the board completely.
  • Survival Puzzles - Fully heal yourself.

Click Here To Skip Revealed Cards

Revealed Cards for The Boomsday Project

These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for The Boomsday Project.


Flobbidinous Floop Card Image
Floop's Glorious Gloop Card Image
Dreampetal Florist Card Image
Juicy Psychmelon Card Image
Mulchmuncher Card Image
Tending Tauren Card Image
Dendrologist Card Image
Gloop Sprayer Card Image
Landscaping Card Image
Biology Project Card Image


Boommaster Flark Card Image
Flark's Boom-Zooka Card Image
Necromechanic Card Image
Goblin Prank Card Image
Spider Bomb Card Image
Cybertech Chip Card Image
Fireworks Tech Card Image
Venomizer Card Image
Bomb Toss Card Image
Secret Plan Card Image


Luna's Pocket Galaxy Card Image
Stargazer Luna Card Image
Astromancer Card Image
Unexpected Results Card Image
Meteorologist Card Image
Celestial Emissary Card Image
Astral Rift Card Image
Cosmic Anomaly Card Image
Research Project Card Image
Shooting Star Card Image


Kangor's Endless Army Card Image
Crystalsmith Kangor Card Image
Glowstone Technician Card Image
Prismatic Lens Card Image
Shrink Ray Card Image
Annoy-o-Module Card Image
Crystology Card Image
Mechano-Egg Card Image
Autodefense Matrix Card Image
Glow-Tron Card Image


Zerek's Cloning Gallery Card Image
Zerek, Master Cloner Card Image
Reckless Experimenter Card Image
Power Word: Replicate Card Image
Extra Arms Card Image
Omega Medic Card Image
Test Subject Card Image
Dead Ringer Card Image
Cloning Device Card Image
Topsy Turvy Card Image


Myra Rotspring Card Image
Myra's Unstable Element Card Image
Necrium Vial Card Image
Academic Espionage Card Image
Blightnozzle Crawler Card Image
Necrium Blade Card Image
Pogo-Hopper Card Image
Crazed Chemist Card Image
Lab Recruiter Card Image
Violet Haze Card Image


The Storm Bringer Card Image
Electra Stormsurge Card Image
Thunderhead Card Image
Omega Mind Card Image
Eureka! Card Image
Storm Chaser Card Image
Voltaic Burst Card Image
Elementary Reaction Card Image
Menacing Nimbus Card Image
Beakered Lightning Card Image


Dr. Morrigan Card Image
The Soularium Card Image
Ectomancy Card Image
Omega Agent Card Image
Nethersoul Buster Card Image
Void Analyst Card Image
Soul Infusion Card Image
Doubling Imp Card Image
Demonic Project Card Image
Spirit Bomb Card Image


The Boomship Card Image
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Card Image
Beryllium Nullifier Card Image
Supercollider Card Image
Security Rover Card Image
Dyn-o-matic Card Image
Omega Assembly Card Image
Rocket Boots Card Image
Weapons Project Card Image
Eternium Rover Card Image


Mecha'thun Card Image
Zilliax Card Image
Subject 9 Card Image
Harbinger Celestia Card Image
Whizbang the Wonderful Card Image
SN1P-SN4P Card Image
Star Aligner Card Image
Loose Specimen Card Image
Holomancer Card Image
E.M.P. Operative Card Image
Seaforium Bomber Card Image
Omega Defender Card Image
Weaponized Piñata Card Image
Augmented Elekk Card Image
Crystallizer Card Image
Spark Drill Card Image
Arcane Dynamo Card Image
Missile Launcher Card Image
Mechanical Whelp Card Image
Giggling Inventor Card Image
Replicating Menace Card Image
Galvanizer Card Image
Unpowered Mauler Card Image
Spark Engine Card Image
Bull Dozer Card Image
Damaged Stegotron Card Image
Rusty Recycler Card Image
Wargear Card Image
Steel Rager Card Image
Explodinator Card Image
Coppertail Imposter Card Image
Piloted Reaper Card Image
Bronze Gatekeeper Card Image
Brainstormer Card Image
Microtech Controller Card Image
Electrowright Card Image
Spring Rocket Card Image
Kaboom Bot Card Image
Whirliglider Card Image
Toxicologist Card Image
Cloakscale Chemist Card Image
Upgradeable Framebot Card Image
Mecharoo Card Image
Skaterbot Card Image
Faithful Lumi Card Image
Goblin Bomb Card Image

Card Backs & Packs



Dr. Boom's Lab

Card Pack

Game Board

Boomsday Announcement Video

Initial Reveal VOD

Final Reveal VOD


  • DeathDave's Avatar
    210 24 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Why is Mecha-Jaraxxus referred to as a 'she' ? Typo?

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    RIP Dr Boom.... I hope that it will still be just as destructive at 9 mana instead of 7 and only giving 5 armor

  • ArcticFox's Avatar
    Zombie 375 118 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    This guide looks amazing! Great job!

    I loved that Boomsday Announcement Video. There was also a commercial called "The Boomsday Project: Here Comes The BOOM! (Rube Goldberg)" which I think is worth mentioning.


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