Did you set it to Wumbo? Unpopular opinion, but I was a big fan of Prince Keleseth Rogue. It was the first deck I ever hit Legend with. Give me Embiggen and some ramp, and poof: you've got my Embiggen Dragon Druid deck! This should be a lot of fun and I'm excited to see how Embiggen performs, it may be niche but it will be fun! And that's what Hearthstone is all about.
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I've given this deck a go - often ended up getting to turns 7+ and finding it hard to play more than 1 card a turn and not filling out the mana. Also whilst I can see the idea behind Faceless Corrupter in this deck, it wasnt often that he was exceptional. You dont have small minions to transform so your transforming a big minion that's on low health - if you're doing this you're normally in a decent position anyway.
Also I'm not sure about Hippogriph.
I think now we've seen some of the meta, some more controlling tools such as swipe would go well (galak shaman and galak zoo have quite a few 1 health minions)
I actually modified it quite a bit and made changes like you suggested since release. Unfortunately Druid is just in a tough spot and Embiggen hasn't been great.
With this much draw; you would be mad not to include the new Ysera. That's a lot of dragons when you Floop all over her.
Alright, I changed my mind and added it. I just hate that summoning Dragons means that you don't get battlecries. They're big bodies tho so it's too good not to play it.
Isn't Faceless Corruptor better than Oasis Surger if you don't have quest in the deck. Of course you will need a minion on board to make it effective but it is a considerable option in my opinion.
Whoops ! I realized that they are already in the deck. :D
Gotta have both for sure!
Hmm, I didn't even think of the potential of Flooping your Frizz!
that sounds like a euphemism for jacking off.
Floop your Frizz until you Overflow! rofl!
Floop's Glorious Gloop
I rest my case