Legend Wackey Lackey Handlock
- Handlock
- Wild
- Ranked
I just hit legend with this deck and couldn't be happier about it. There are so many mechs and giants running around that I decided to make a deck based around tech cards and getting a giant out before the other player. This is one of the most versatile decks I have ever played and one of the most fun.
Lackey generators fill your hand and give you tons of ways to use your mana, making the deck adept at handling anything. Giants are what make the deck powerful, but in aggro matchups they are strictly late game. Belligerent Gnome is also one of the most underated cards right now, it hard counters aggro. Often times I find that I generate so much value in my hand that I exhaust the other player of resources. The deck is designed so that there are a wide variety of combos to play at all times in your hand, it requires getting creative and playing to your outs. Lackeys are absolutely the key to winning most games: rush a minion to win board, kill a voodoo doll with 2 damage, 1 mana for two minions discounts sea giant by 2, discover a timely spell, etc.
Most importantly this is a TEMPO DECK, you should always play for max tempo in order to win games.
Mulligan Guide:
Your ideal start in any game is 1 drop into EVIL Genius
Mage - Mountain Giant, Voodoo Doll, Big Game Hunter, Shadowflame (with sea giant it clears a board of giants after they freeze your board)
Warrior - try to find the Barista Lynchen and Omega Agent combo asap, they can't clear all your giant boards and 4 waves of omega agents
Hunter - 1 drops, Belligerent Gnome, and [Hearthstone Card (spellbreakers) Not Found]
Palladin - Spellbreaker and Voodoo Doll+ sacrifice effects are your friends
Rogue - 1 drops,Belligerent Gnome, and board clears (this matchup is the hardest due to direct damage from the Rogue)
Shaman - 1 drops,Belligerent Gnome, and board clears
Priest - didn't really face them on ladder, but play aggressively and you should be fine
Warlock - 1 drops,Belligerent Gnome, and board clears
Druid - 1 drops,Belligerent Gnome, and board clears
I hope you enjoy it!
I'm always looking for people to play fun decks with! If you have any questions, feel free to add me - NudeWookie #11165
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19- 00
- 51
- 62
- 53
- 64
- 35
- 06
- 57+
- 1 Mortal Coil x 2
- 2 EVIL Genius x 2
- 3 Hellfire x 1
- 4 Shadowflame x 1
- 5 Omega Agent x 1
- 7 Lord Godfrey x 1
- 1 Argent Squire x 1
- 1 Mecharoo x 2
- 2 Belligerent Gnome x 2
- 2 EVIL Cable Rat x 2
- 3 Earthen Ring Farseer x 1
- 3 SN1P-SN4P x 1
- 3 Voodoo Doll x 2
- 4 Big Game Hunter x 1
- 4 Lifedrinker x 2
- 4 Spellbreaker x 2
- 5 Barista Lynchen x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 10 Sea Giant x 2
- 12 Mountain Giant x 2
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Fun list, thanks for sharing!
Looks very interesting.
Been having fun with the deck i can hold my ground against control warrior but bomb warrior is abit harder when they turned to doctor boom. Any advice :)
Dr. Boom is still the best card in the game I think, making it pretty hard to beat if they get it early. I typically play the deck like a more traditional handlock and go for early Mountain Giant and Sea Giant since they lose value later in the game with Omega Devastator wrecking you. You have to play faster overall since they will win eventually if you can’t kill them. Also make sure to get max potential out of your heals, I always try to magnetize Zilliax. Hope this helps
Super creative deck and very fun to play! I can sense the confusion when my opponent is trying to figure out if I'm playing zoo or control.
I don't have Lord Godfrey or a second Voodoo Doll, so I subbed in another Hellfire and a Siphon Soul. Not sure if those are optimal replacements, but I figured that they aim for similar results.
If Warlock is in a better spot when Uldum comes out, I'll probably craft Lord Godfrey since he's such a baller.
Those substitutions are fine I think but will certainly decrease the consistency. Voodoo Doll is great because it can be used in so many ways with the lackeys, as a sacrifice for more draw, or lackey creation. Lord Godfrey is not as important as Voodoo Doll in my opinion.
Ok, you sold me. Second copy of Voodoo Doll crafted :)
Great deck that looks like a ton of fun. Any suggested subs for Lord Godfrey or Barista Lynchen? I'm a bit light on dust atm
Hellfire for Lord Godfrey is an acceptable swap. He’s great for a huge tempo swing though, especially against aggro. Barista Lynchen is much harder to substitute because she can copy half of your deck. So if you are in an aggro matchup she adds all the lackeys and generators and your healing back to your hand. The flexibility is hard to replace, but a second Omega Agent would help against warrior. After Uldum, Lynchen will be an amazing card in this and the new Shaman battlecry deck that is due to come. I crafted her with that in mind.
I'll defer to the deck creator if they have suggestions, but I used Hellfire for Lord Godfrey and it seems pretty good. For Barista Lynchen, probably just a second copy of Omega Agent.
Wow cool deck :)
Nice Deck, thanks!
This deck is so fun. Thanks for sharing!
Imagine this deck with the addition of Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
It'll be nuts, plus you add Glinda Crowskin and you can make an entire other big board
Great shout, I might try teching her in now for a couple of runs.