Dragon Mecha'Thun

Last updated 5 years ago by
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Before this recent expansion, I've been playing Deck ID Not Found to some success.  Alas, we've lost N'Zoth, the Corruptor and Emperor Thaurissan so I didn't think the deck could be played any longer.  But with the new expansion comes some really interesting synergies to play with: DRAGONS.  Replacing a few cards here and there, and I feel like I've come up with a good control deck with a solid, inevitable win-condition.

The goal of the deck is to stall and control the board until you can use Mecha'thun.  You will need the tick of Galvanizer to get him to 9, then use Plague of Flames to kill him once your deck and hand are empty.  

My previous deck used Hellfire and Shadow Bolt to control the board.  Well, we've got two (better IMO) replacements in Crazed Netherwing (which is Hellfire on a 5/5 body for just one more mana) and Nether Breath, a better Shadow Bolt that heals and can go face.  Big Ol' Whelp is a must-have in any dragon deck, especially one that wants to draw like this one.  Finally, probably the best new Warlock card from the expansion : Dark Skies.  This is a powerful and flexible control card.  You can use it to take out a single minion.  You can use is as AoE.  And it's only 3 mana, so you can establish board afterwards.  Its interaction with Bloodmage Thalnos is particularly strong, in that every damage is 2 instead of 1, and even if Thalnos dies, this continues. 

Surviving long enough to draw your deck will require significant healing.  For this, you have Traveling Healer, an under-rated defensive card that heals for 3 and gives you board presence.   Khartut Defender is a solid taunt that heals for 6.  Zilliax is Zilliax.  And your healing from Nether Breath.  

I toyed around with the new Warlock legendary Valdris Felgorge, which you would think would fit well in a quest deck that wants to draw.  However, if he is in the bottom two or three of your deck, then you cry because you must play him to empty your hand and will likely take fatigue.  One game I was going to win but he was literally the bottom card, and I took too much fatigue damage.

Spellbreaker is a tech card that seems pretty good in the experimental meta right now.  However, this is a flex spot and if anyone has any better ideas for this, let me know.  



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