[ WILD ] Mind Blast Priest

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
  • Ranked

Current version of the Priest I'm running. I've reached legend with this kind of deck for the past 4 months. I'm posting this deck mainly for reference but might write a guide over time if there's interest in this deck. Feel free to leave a question in the comments.

Edit (23/7/19) 
-2 Golakka Crawler
+ Skulking Geist
+ Lightbomb

Replaced Golakka Crawler since Kingsbane Rogue dropped in popularity since the Preparation nerf. Skulking Geist makes Jade Druid match ups winnable without having to rely on shenanigans and also somewhat helps stall Tempo Quest Mage.Lightbomb is an all round good card that helps you deal with Even Shaman, Even Warlock and helps deal with Darkest Hour Warlock - possible replacements are Mass Hysteria or Dragonfire Potion, probably.

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  • Rhonin's Avatar
    30 3 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Any advantage of running Mirage Caller over Vivid Nightmare with Radiant Elemental? Also would Wild Pyromancer be a good replacement for Bloodmage Thalnos?

    • Zanzi69's Avatar
      Servant of Illidan 405 21 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
      Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
      Quote From Rhonin

      Any advantage of running Mirage Caller over Vivid Nightmare with Radiant Elemental? Also would Wild Pyromancer be a good replacement for Bloodmage Thalnos?

      I never tried the Vivid + Radiant version. I did find Shadow Visions often not giving me the card I wanted, and Vivid Nightmare would dilute your choices even more. Mirage Caller is one of the first cards to be cut from this deck, as you only really need it to win against Control Warrior and Jade Druid. although it also really helps having one against Reno or Mecha'thun Warlock. Mirage Caller also offers a fringe benefit in cases where you want an extra body for more Spirit Lash heal, or a minion on turn 3 to contest the board against aggro.

      Bloodmage Thalnos is mainly there for the purpose of a board clear/heal combo with Spirit Lash, while providing extra utility with card draw. I can see Wild Pyromancer fit a similar role in token based match ups, it's even better if you get the Pyro to stick. I'd rather run Tar Creeper instead though, as I feel it can deal sufficiently with small wide boards as well as stop damage from larger minions and weapon attacks.


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