Jepetto Spell Hunter

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
  • Fun

This is a Spell Hunter I'm working on focused around Jepetto Joybuzz, Malygos, and Vereesa Windrunner

In my experience this deck isn't as powerful as Highlander Malygos builds, but you get to use Vereesa and have a little more anti-aggro tech with this design.  It's pretty fun for Casual play and you can always increase the memes by including cards like King Phaoris into the Jepetto pool.

Win Conditions:

Other tips:

  • If you play Rapid Fire before you play Malygos or Vereesa, remember that you'll get 1 copy back when you play Zul'jin later
  • Marked Shot is in over Kill Command due to flexiblity.  It can remove an early game threat while also providing a decent chance to find (cheaper) burn damage for later. 
  • Master's Call should generally be used to find your minions in this order:  Jepetto (first), Faceless, Vereesa, Alexstrasza, Malygos (last)

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