Handlock - 61% WR HSReplay
Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
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I tried this deck and over the very small number of games I played the deck just felt kind of confusing in some ways and just generally lacking. I feel like the deck didn't go all the way into hand, or big minions, or tokens, or control, or zoo/aggro and so it just felt really 'meh' throughout the whole game. It is like I can keep up with my opponent, but only sort of, and in the end I just lose because their strategy is just better than mine.
Could someone please enlighten me on this decks strategy?
1. What's the win con? Is it like the Monsanto list? (i.e. Alex, Netherbreath, Netherbreath, Soulfire, Soulfire)?
2. How do you effectively pull off Plague of Flames without a lot of fodder minions?
1. That is "a" win condition. But most of the games you will win by controlling the board and getting chip damage
2. Not a lot of fodder minions? Sinister Deal EVIL Genius Elven Archer Bloodmage Thalnos, how much more fodder are you wanting? I have had no issues pulling off Plague of Flames
I tried the Muzzy variant, yeah, I underestimated the amount of Tokens Sinister Deal and EVIL Genius generates esp. the Faceless Lackey.