Ankh'akkar-Togwaggle OTK

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
  • Fun

Alright, so this is an otk version of the original mill rogue thanks to Anka, the Buried. You try to survive and draw the whole deck, which rogue is really good at. The combo goes like this:

1. While playing Coldlight Oracle to draw cards, use Shadowstep on one of them and keep the 1 mana Coldlight in your hand.

2. After you have drawn Hakkar, the Soulflayer , King TogwaggleAnka, the Buried and you have one Backstab in hand you can safely mill all your cards in your deck. Would be good even using Myra's Unstable Element. You can use Myras and Anka in the same turn or you do it next turn.

3. Next turn you play Hakkar, the Soulflayer , You play King Togwaggle to give him the empty deck, backstab the hakkar and then play the 1 mana Coldlight Oracle

4. This combo deals 27 damage

This is the first way of almost otk-ing which should be consistent enough to do it every time as long as you survive. You can chip 3 damage to your opponent either by eviscerate or sinister strike using them one turn or two turns before the combo. If you are facing a priest, druid or control warrior that won't be enough. But, no worries, i edited the deck so you can assure the otk eventhough it's not very consistent as it requires you to have 6 cards in hand. There are 3 combos you can do other than the 27 damage:

1. Play one mana Hakkar, backstab it, preperation one Shiv and target opponent face. You will take 4 damage and now your deck has 2 bloods. You then play togwaggle and play one mana coldlight oracle. The opponent takes 49 damage.

2. Play one mana Hakkar, backstab it, preperation one Eviscerate and target opponent face, then Togwaggle and play one mana coldlight oracle. The opponent takes 31 Damage.

3. Play one mana Hakkar, backstab it, preperation or coin one Sinister Strike, then Togwaggle and play one mana coldlight oracle. The opponent takes 30 Damage.

Also if your opponent has a lot of armor it's gonna be easy anyway, since they will be playing control and they won't have much damage to kill you in one turn. You can mill them with coldlights first and then put the bloods in. With control matchups you have more ups than downs. Choose either combo you want depending on the health of the opponent.

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  • Yadeehoo's Avatar
    170 44 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I took cheat death and fan of knives out, added 2 fal'dorei striders.

    After you played Polkelt and drew your 5 mana cards, it will automatically draw all of the ambushes in a row.

    • Helios's Avatar
      The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From Yadeehoo

      I took cheat death and fan of knives out, added 2 fal'dorei striders.

      After you played Polkelt and drew your 5 mana cards, it will automatically draw all of the ambushes in a row.

      oh, that's a good idea. Haven't updated this list for so long. It's just an old meme deck, but I will make the changes now



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