Maly-Gallack Combo Wombo
- Malygos Rogue
- Wild
- Ranked
Made to to rank 5 with this deck. A fun, frustratingly difficult, and heart-pounding climb up the ladder ranks. I've grinded about 40 games with this, from 13 to 5
Here's a few quick answers for probable questions about this deck.
What's the win condition of this deck
- Malygos + 2x Sinister Strike + 2x Eviscerate + 3 coins + Preparation = 34 damage.
How often do I ACTUALLY get to do the above?
- Not often. In fact I only try if I'm convinced I'm facing a control deck, or res priest. In 40-ish games I've only managed to assemble this twice for the win.
So, if you don't get to your win condition often, how'd you ever win?
- Oh. I forgot. Malygos + 2x Sinister Strike + 1x Eviscerate + 3 coins = 25 damage. That's your bread and butter. This is a combo deck, not strictly an OTK deck. Deal 5 damage and if your opponent can't heal, then focus on getting your combo cards. The deck draws hard, so one way or another, you'll manage out the combo and deal 5 damage throughout the game.
- To assemble this combo, you need three coins. If you get Umbral Skulker at 0 cost, then you've got your 3 coins at any time. Otherwise, you'd have to play it for the two turn lethal. Hand management is the key.
What are some general strategies to playing this correctly?
- This is not an easy deck to play. First and foremost, manage your hand. There's plenty of cycling cards here. At around 7 cards in hand, you'd better start watching it.
- Do NOT hold on to Galakrond, the Nightmare for that sweet 4 0-cost cards. Sometimes, its better to simply play for 2 cards. You don't need Malygos at 0 cost to win. You do need your combo cards, especially the 2x Sinister Strike to win.
- If offered Heistbaron Togwaggle in mulligan, keep it, unless you know you're going up against an aggro deck. Even then, I'd advise as much as it is possible to keep it, especially if you got Seal Fate and/or Backstab with SI7 in the mulligan.
- Play Faerie Dragon only if you think you can draw. Otherwise, save it for the Candle Breath. Of course, if youve got another dragon in hand, just play it. Faerie Dragon on empty board at turn 2 is a very, very strong play in this meta.
- You can play one Eviscerate and still win. If you have to dump both, then don't play out Shiv. I stress on the word IF. Don't waste your Eviscerate, unless you feel you're going to go down in 2 turns. Shiv is mostly to cycle, and as backup.
- Draw like the wind. If you lose, its most likely because your draw cards are literally stuck at the far end of your deck.
- Lastly, be very aware of your health and don't give up until the very end. You can win at any time, provided that you draw the cards. This is not a meta deck, so your opponent will likely not know they have to keep above 25 health. There are many games where its literally a 'win now or die' situation. But it ain't ever over until the fat lady sings.
Okay, I can see your list have a lot...weird cards. Care to explain?
- Shieldbearer: A lot of players will immediately emote when you play this card. This made my list for the following reasons; a) it has 4 health, so it can't be destroyed in 1 turn by Corrosive Breath, Dwarven Sharpshooter + ping, Faerie Dragon, Seal Fate, Zilliax, etc. In other words, it save damage from face, and all for 1 mana. B) Its a 1 mana taunt. And when you're managing your hand size this is a no brainer. And c) You can play any number of tempo-losing cards, play this and you've probably delayed death by 1 turn.
- Faerie Dragon: In the current meta, this is the best 2 drop, hands down. And its a dragon so it enables Candle Breath. Prep + candle breath = disgusting draw three for 1.
- Candle Breath: Your most efficient draw engine. I can't deny. Its really really bad when you dont have a dragon. On the other hand, if you do, and you've just been cursed with the worst starting hand in the world, this can literally save you in a pinch.
Alright, there's no Devoted Maniac, the highest played card in the game. No Edwin VanCleef. And no Kronx Dragonhoof. Why?
- Galakrond is not your win condition. Malygos is. You're already playing lots of tempo losing cards, playing kronx with no taunt on 6 is just death.
- Devoted Maniac is good in shaman and warrior. Its very, very bad in rogue and priest. Its just my opinion. And again, galakrond for 4 cards is not always the way to go. Its a 4 mana do 2 damage. Nuff said.
- Edwin is probably the only card I can't defend for not including. But I don't see any card to remove for edwin, honestly. Maybe 1x Candle Breath? Up to you.
Just have fun.
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5- 30
- 61
- 62
- 43
- 24
- 35
- 46
- 27+
- 0 Backstab x 2
- 0 Preparation x 1
- 1 Praise Galakrond! x 2
- 1 Sinister Strike x 2
- 2 Eviscerate x 2
- 2 Sap x 1
- 2 Shiv x 1
- 3 Seal Fate x 2
- 3 SI:7 Agent x 2
- 4 Umbral Skulker x 2
- 6 Candle Breath x 2
- 6 Flik Skyshiv x 1
- 6 Heistbaron Togwaggle x 1
- 7 Galakrond, the Nightmare x 1
- 1 Shieldbearer x 2
- 2 Faerie Dragon x 2
- 5 Shield of Galakrond x 2
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 9 Malygos x 1
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Been playing this deck for a bit and I am finding it very fun. Not the greatest win rate, but I am not the greatest player either. Overall, a very fun deck. Well done
Thanks. Hope the deck is as fun for you as it was for me
I laughed reading the tips hehe. Thanks to you i found a really funny and powerful (in terms of learning playi hearthstone) deck to play with this quarentane heheh good luck bro, and thanks again
Glad it worked out for you