[Wild] Synesthesy's Jade Shaman TTK

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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This is my personal version of Jade Shaman for wild only.


Jade because it uses the Jade archetype as a base.

TTK because he is able to kill every enemy in 2 turns, and if the combo is complete the opponent cannot do anything in their last turn but concede.

How does it work?

This is a control deck that can win with multiple win condition. The key with this deck is to understand the matchup and play the deck in the right way.
The essence of this deck is to play jade generator cards to contest the board until you can play a shudderwock that will full your board with jade golems, some with taunt, and protect you from counteraction with the effects of Loatheb and Zihi. Often shudderwock will summon more then 70 damages you can use to win the game on the spot.

The parts of this deck

  • Jade archetype: this is the base. Starting at turn 2 with jade claws you can start build your board. Jade idol and Aya are good in the mid turns, while the mogus are in the late ones. As jade golems became always bigger, they will help you go from early to middle to late game with good threats.
  • Healing: healbot battlecry synergize with Shudderwock, and healing rain is very good. This deck can heal 40 health without even counting on Brann or Electra.
  • Battlecry package: Bran and the murmuring elemental exists to help you rise your jade count. While Shudderwock won't repeat more battlecry if you jade idol summoned 2 golems, the size of the golems still goes up. Or they can be played with healbot for extra healing.
  • Loatheb and Mojomaster: they are the key for winning long match. You don't want to lose your super duper shudderjade board to a brawl, do you? So you play this cards. Spellward Jeweler is an extra protection for when you are low in health and you haven't played neither Loatheb nor Zihi.
  • Control package: Hagatha, Krag'wa, Unstable Evolution, exist to give you extra value. Hex, lighning storm, devolve, exist to help you against board centric deck. Remember the interaction between Krag'wa and Unstable Evolution, that can be an extra win condition on his own.
  • Electra can give you more healing used with healing rain, or more jade golems used with jade lightning.


How to play this deck: against aggro

Against aggro your win condition is the healing. Elettra + healing rain is almost a Reno Jackson, and between healbots and rains you can heal a lot. Against board deck like odd paladin, you aim to build the biggest jade army the sooner possible. You will eventually defeat them mixing healing and big green dudes. However, you can play some cards for tempo alone, as Brann. Playing Shudderwock asap is often the right choice, expecially if you can duplicate healbot's battlecry. Even a couple of golem togheter can win you the game.
You should mulligan for Jade Claws, as it's the most early card you have. Use hero power over draws, as often the opponent will waste precious damage on killing useless totems instead of going face.

Against control

This is where the IQ is more needed. You need to know what your opponent is playing. Here you aim to win in a couple of turns with the help of your full combo.
There you play shudderwock to full the board, negate lethal to your opponent with taunt and Zihi/Loatheb/Jeweler and some healing if needed. If the full combo is played, there is no way that your opponent, with 6 mana and spells that cost (5) more, can kill your board or properly defend himself.
The more your opponent is late game oriented (like some kind of fatigue deck), the more you should wait to drop Shudderwock. Against more midrangey deck that plays less board clear (like even warlock) you can play your combo sooner, as you have to negate less cards.
Example: warlock would play twisting nether to kill your board, so you only need one between Loatheb and Zihi. But if it's a deck that plays shadowflame too, you need them both.
BUT as you are a jade deck, there is a good chance that your opponent will waste their board clears against some random big jade golem, like an aya or a brann + jade idol. So you need to pay attention to what your opponent has and what he has played.

Against midrange

You can outvalue almost everything with the jade package; but if the opponent's deck doesn't have a strong win condition, often you don't need to rely on the TTK to win.

Against combo

Probably the answer to combo is just "be the beatdown". However, you play Mojomaster Zihi that can deny most OTK combo for some turns, and his effect can be repeated by Shudderwock. This can be expecially good against Mecha'thun.

Against Big Priest

Hex and Krag'wa are key card here. You can play Hex on Barns' token, you can play Hex on Shadow Essence and then you should play Krag'wa to gain more Hexes. If you survive long enough, your golem will be big enough to contest even Big Priest's board.

Tech cards

This is a deck that can be heavly teched, as everything with a battlecry synergize with Shudderwock.

  • odd paladin: put some maelstorm portal instead of some high value cards
  • big priest: a second devolve, however the deck is born teched against big priest with double hex
  • freeze/secret mage: an Eater of Secret can be used if you face a lot of ice block. Your first eater destroy their first block, while Shudderwock eat their second.
  • generic aggro: you could put some little taunt at (3) mana slot like Tar Creeper
  • generic control: you can add cards that mimic the jade golem ability, like murmuring elemental or rummaging kobold for jade claws.
  • generic combo: dirty rat as always. Do not use unseen saboteur because it can activate an aoe during your Shudderwock turn.

Mulligan guide

  • against aggro: hard mulligan for jade claws
  • against big priest: hard mulligan for hex
  • against control: try to keep some jade cards to start your gameplay


Budget Version:

You can cut Zihi and win using the combo if you are sure your opponent doesn't have a 5 mana or less aoe spell that can clear your board (like Brawl or Mass Hysteria).
You can cut Krag'wa the Frog for any value generator
You can cut Hagata and still execute the combo.
You can cut Unstable Evolution for any other value generator


EDIT: consideration after Savior of Uldum

This deck is heavily battlecry based, so it seems a straightforward addition to it the new Shaman's quest. However, it can be wrong to do so. Or better: the deck will work good with the quest, but in a different build.

The main swap for the quest is Hagata, as the Hero Card and the Quest aren't compatible at all. So, the question is who is stronger, Hagata or the Quest. The answer I gave to myself is that neither of them is stronger, but they ask for a different build: the quest will add so much power to the jade card that you will want to capitalize it the most, adding more battlecry minion at lower mana cost, cutting some of the battlecry synergy like Brann (who is redundant with the quest), turning this deck into a more midrange one. While Shudderwock is strong, you will often win with your jade generator only after they'll become to summon 2 jade golem at once. And Zihi work worst with the new hero power that basically add (2) to the cost of every jade card. The resoult is that you play the deck in a different way, more fast, but with less power against slower deck able to answer the jade golem you can summon.
Instead Hagata is slower, but she can give you more time and more resources against slower deck, and she is better to close the game with the TTK combo.

This is why I think that Jade Shaman TTK with or without quest are two different decks that play differently, and this is why here I won't simply swap Hagata for the quest. Because what build is better it's up to you and your meta.

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  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Nice guide. GJ


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