No-Stalladris Token Druid
- Token Druid
- Wild
- Ranked
This is a fairly standard token druid deck. Since the new expansion launched, I have played probably close to 200 games of token druid, and this list seems to work pretty well presently.
The main premise of token druid, as most of us know by now, is to stick a wide board and then win with big burst damage. The main tricks to the deck are pacing your threats and keeping board pressure, while holding back resources so you can reload the board if it gets wiped.
NEVER commit your burst if you do not have lethal. Unless you are in a bad place and you need to remove some of their minions (but honestly, if you use burst damage as removal, you're probably losing anyways ... it's correct to do it sometimes, but you'll rarely win afterwards).
Keep 2 drops in your mulligan. ALWAYS keep your Acorn buddy. You can keep one buff spell if you want, but it's usually better to draw into those and try mulligan for things that get bodies on the board.
For me personally, I am 9-5 with this exact list; it's average winrate is around 57% overall according to hsreplay.
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0- 00
- 31
- 92
- 123
- 34
- 05
- 16
- 27+
- 1 Acornbearer x 2
- 2 Dreamway Guardians x 2
- 2 Power of the Wild x 2
- 3 Blessing of the Ancients x 2
- 3 Landscaping x 2
- 3 Savage Roar x 2
- 3 Soul of the Forest x 2
- 3 Swipe x 2
- 4 Wispering Woods x 2
- 8 The Forest's Aid x 2
- 1 Argent Squire x 1
- 2 Acidic Swamp Ooze x 1
- 2 Dire Wolf Alpha x 2
- 2 Knife Juggler x 2
- 3 Microtech Controller x 2
- 4 Archmage Vargoth x 1
- 6 Eccentric Scribe x 1
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