Libram Quest Exodia

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
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A new spin on exodia paladin using librams.

The combo is to use the free Libram of Wisdom and Coin from Licensed Adventurer to refresh The Four Horsemen with Auctionmaster Beardo and win in one turn. The full combo needs 11 mana (3 + 4*2) so you always need to keep one Coin even if you manage to get another 0-cost spell.

Obviously the main difficulty is to get the whole combo in hand. To achieve that the main draw engine is Gadgetzan Auctioneer with Libram of Wisdom. Even better if you have a minion that can die this turn, since you can cast the two librams on it, kill him, and get cast the librams again on the Gadgetzan Auctioneer.

We also have one Crystology which brings Bloodmage Thalnos (which also draws and is useful for better Consecration) and Stonehill Defender to generate value.

The "fake quest" package brings draw with Questing Explorer, nice bodies to buff, a good targeted damage with Sky Gen'ral Kragg, and of course the needed Coin.

We have nice sustain in mid-game with some taunts to absorb damages (Aldor Truthseeker and some more discovered by Stonehill Defender).

As for control, the Libram of Wisdom helps to make good value trades since it can be played multiple times in a turn on different minions, and comboes nicely with Wild Pyromancer. When playing the Libram of Wisdom be sure to play around anything that can destroy one, like silences, shapeshifts (Polymorph, Hex, etc.) or Sap since you are only allowed to lose one 0-cost spell if you want to achieve the combo.

For more dire situations, we have the good ol' Libram of Justice + Wild Pyromancer or Consecration.

Sunkeeper Tarim also helps to stabilize the board and is especially great with Crystalsmith Kangor and repops from SN1P-SN4P.

Mulligan for the quest package, Consecration, Crystology, or Stonehill Defender to get started and survive agains aggro.

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  • Noctys's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 08/07/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    The first paragraph of your description is missing the key player [Hearthstone Card (Auctionmaster Beardo) Not Found] -- took me a moment to figure out how you would get a 1 turn kill with just those other 3 cards.  This would be really difficult to pull off (and get all the right cards) but if you can it would be fun.  Will give it a try.

    • thedragofire's Avatar
      110 2 Posts Joined 04/08/2020
      Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

      My bad, mistake corrected :)

      I'm at 13-6 (68% wr) with the latest version of the deck, climbing from silver to platinum in wild ranked.
      Good matchup against DH as long as you get a nice consecration early on because we got so much healing afterwards they can not keep on.
      Big priest is good because they give you enough time to setup. Did not encounter razakus priest so can't tell.
      Zoo warlock can go either way. Cube warlock is a good matchup because we have a lot of taunts.
      Secret mage is a pain, but it's the case with 80% of decks so no suffering, just accept your death.
      Even sham can go either way. Same for evolve sham since it's a bullshit deck in essence.
      Spell hunter is very easy, so is deathrattle as long as it's the big variant and not the face one.

      Did not match any other class, everyone was playing DH when I tried the deck 🤷‍♂️

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    If you really want to focus on the use of Libram of Wisdom, you should run Lady Liadrin.  That way you can get multiple 0 cost librams to cast in a single turn.  Just continually putting it on every minion meant when I cast Lady Liadrin, I ended up with a number of copies of this in my hand... perfect for Auctionmaster Beardo.  Just my two cents

    • thedragofire's Avatar
      110 2 Posts Joined 04/08/2020
      Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

      I used her in previous versions of the deck, but we still need one coin to make sure the OTK happens, and since she is understated and does not have a direct impact on the board when she arrives (and can ever burn some combo pieces if you cast too much librams and the minion gets destroyed), I decided to cut her for snip snap which gives more board presence.
      If you have good results with her it would be interesting to share your version :) 

  • Mephisto's Avatar
    185 19 Posts Joined 12/15/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Cool deck, but too many legendaries, which I don't own.


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