[LEGEND] Wild Taunt Warrior

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
  • Ranked

A very good midrange list for climbing in the current meta. You are fairly protected against aggro, and the quest helps you pump up the pressure against control and combo decks. Most of the cards in the deck are there to help you complete your quest and maintain board presence. However, I feel like a few of them warrant a more in depth explanation for their inclusion.

Battle Rage is your main draw engine. Your minions tend to stick to the board well so you're expected to draw at least 2 or 3 cards when you use it, which is fairly decent for its mana cost. Between that and the card generation of Frightened Flunky, Stonehill Defender and Infested Goblin, you are pretty much guaranteed not to run out of cards to play until you've completed your quest.

Blood Razor is a great card to deal with small threats or push for some extra face damage, but it also works extremely well with Battle Rage, which is why it makes it into the list. After quest completion, it is also useful to remove potential weak targets for your hero power.

Finally, Brawl is a card that most would consider counterproductive in a midrange deck, and I certainly thought the same when I started playing this deck. It was after struggling against decks like Cubelock, Deathrattle Hunter or Taunt Druid that I saw its potential. Although in the early game you will take the lead in those matchups, in the end, they'll be able to turn the tables around by exploiting resurrect and mana cheat mechanics  outvaluing you in the late game. However, there is a small window in which your opponent will be low on health, but their board will protect them from any threat posed by yours. At that moment, a good board clear can let you get a more clear shot with your hero power to push for lethal. That is why this card is included, although I have also found its use in the fringe cases in which you lose your board in the early game.

Well, that's about it. If you end up using this list be sure to leave a comment, as I'd like to know how well it did for you, or if you made any modifications to the list. I did most of the climb before the recent balance patch, but since it nerfed archetypes that somewhat countered this deck I imagine it should perform even better now.

Good luck, and happy insect swatting!

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  • HSHengst's Avatar
    Island 175 40 Posts Joined 03/11/2020
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    So far I am at 4 wins and 4 losses. Diamond lvl 10. Not sure if I like this deck yet, will play some more and then edit my comment here :-)

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    How did you do against Cubelocks? That is the main deck I am struggling against. There is just no way this deck can handle all of the extra boards they spill out with Expired Merchant and Bloodreaver Gul'dan/N'Zoth. And you have no way of stopping them from using Skull of the Man'ari and Voidcaller to cheat out their Demons early. It feels like the only way to win is for them to get a terrible start and I get the perfect start. But given how much draw they have and how little draw this deck has, that doesn't seem likely.

    • HyperOrange's Avatar
      860 65 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
      Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

      Yeah, that is one of the deck's worst matchups. Brawl is your friend there but unless you manage to lower their health in the early game you are pretty much screwed. I didn't see that many cubelocks on my climb so they weren't too much of an issue for me. Unfortunately I don't think there's much you can do in terms of switching specific cards to counter them, since even if you use more lategame threats, they will end up outvaluing you.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    This deck is great! I played it some in Casual and went 3-0, then I played on ranked and went 6-1. I am now at Diamond 2 with 3 stars, tomorrow I will continue to climb and hopefully make it to Legend!

    *edit* my luck has turned. I got to rank 1, 1 star, but then quickly started losing games and now I am back at rank 3. I feel like unless you can get either Into the Fray or Bolster early on, you will have a very hard time dealing with Demon Hunters and Mech/Murloc Paladins. Most of my losses were against aggro decks that just snowballed way too hard and put out way more threats than I had answers for. And by the time I played Sulfuras I had already lost.

    • HyperOrange's Avatar
      860 65 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
      Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

      Nice to hear. Good luck on the climb!

  • NyPoka's Avatar
    Pikachu 180 12 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    what is your winning rating in ranked games?

    • HyperOrange's Avatar
      860 65 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
      Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

      I didn't record it, but I managed to climb to legend using this deck throughout all of diamond without much of a hassle, so I'd say around 70%.


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