Get Kodoed!
- Midrange Hunter
- Wild
- Ranked
This deck plays like a tempo deck at the start. You have considerable board presence and Secrets help you maintain it. But then, just when your opponent thinks they're out of reach, they Get Kodoed!
Essentially, throughout the game you use Scavenger's Ingenuity to draw Dispatch Kodo and then you handbuff it like crazy. You don't need to go all the way, but using Brann Bronzebeard you can pretty much OTK your opponent if your Kodo is big enough.
I've been climbing with this deck for a while and it seems to perform very well. So far I've beaten decks such as Reno Priest, Recruit Warlock, and even a Shudderwock Shaman that played Reno 6 times (on that one I used a 14 attack kodo with Brann and he could do nothing about it). So far I've only lost one game, which was against an odd paladin that got a god draw and killed me on turn 7.
Currently I'm at diamond 3, so if I reach legend I'll update this guide with mulligan, replacements, matchups, etc. but for now I want to get more experience playing the deck. Some more people need to Get Kodoed!
Edit: Holy shit, I just had a warlock "Get Kodoed" by dealing 27 damage to them on turn 7. It was glorious.
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0- 20
- 51
- 122
- 73
- 44
- 05
- 06
- 07+
- 0 Smuggler's Crate x 2
- 1 Dwarven Sharpshooter x 2
- 1 Flare x 1
- 1 Tracking x 2
- 2 Explosive Trap x 2
- 2 Freezing Trap x 2
- 2 Scavenger's Ingenuity x 2
- 2 Trogg Beastrager x 2
- 2 Wandering Monster x 2
- 3 Eaglehorn Bow x 2
- 3 Ramkahen Wildtamer x 2
- 4 Dispatch Kodo x 2
- 4 Scrap Shot x 2
- 2 Mad Scientist x 2
- 3 Brann Bronzebeard x 1
- 3 Masked Contender x 2
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