Omelette Warlock

Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs"

I used the Egg Warlock deck from Regis Killbin as a basis, but because I was reluctant to craft the legendaries I was missing, I went more heavy on the Imprisoned Scrap Imp. With two Scrap Imps in the deck, you want more minions and fewer spells, so I added some cheap minions (mainly in the form of Scarabs from Infested Goblin) and then it made sense to add Magic Carpet as well and it became a deck of its own.

I played this from Gold 4 to Platinum tonight, had some difficulty at Gold 1 but the rest was one long win streak. It struggles a bit versus Demon Hunter, since they have a faster start and burn to finish you off once you win the board. But it did surprisingly well versus for example Face Hunter, since you can race them down, and Priest, if they don't find Archmage Vargoth early.

Game Plan

I hard mulligan for Scrap Imp, since it's a real game changer if you can get it out early. When on the coin, Scrap Imp on one and tap on two generally works out. When going first, Scrap Imp on two and Infested Goblin on three works well against aggro: they either have to pause their attacks or they give you two more 1-mana 3/3s.


The only legendary in the deck is Maiev Shadowsong. She did very well against Druid, who start slow but summon big taunts by the time you have a strong enough board to finish them off. Ironbeak Owl would fit the same purpose, but has significantly poorer stats on the board.

Magic Carpet is particularly good with buffed minions and with Fiendish Servant. Without rush minions, you'd probably need to go heavier on the spells to retake the board when you fall behind, for example add the second Hellfire.

Chromatic Egg gives the deck some late-game value. You can often get an 8/8 or 4/12 from it. And if you happen to get a Witchy Lackey, you can trade with the 8/8 and then evolve it. You could probably run just one, since the deck draws cards quickly, but with none I think you would struggle against control. A second Disguised Wanderer might be a good replacement as a Void Terror target.

Grand Lackey Erkh could also provide good late-game value while staying under 6 mana so you're still guaranteed to discard Hand of Gul'dan.

I'm wondering if Faceless Corruptor can be fitted in here. It's a crazy card when buffed, but since most of our disposable minions have deathrattles, I'm not sure it can be played often enough. Maybe as a one-of though.


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