There's Knuckles...and you're done.

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
  • Fun

Hi Everyone!  First off, this is certainly a MEME deck....PLEASE CRAFT AT YOUR OWN RISK!  Now, if you already own Knuckles or decided to craft him for some crazy reason like I did, here's a deck to try.

This is my attempt at Knuckles OTK Hunter!  First, reduce his mana cost with Scarlet Webweaver.  Then you play Knuckles, buff him and win.  It does struggle against aggro and maybe we can make it better.  It doesn't care about taunts at least.  Here's more breakdown of the deck:

Ideally, you would play Scavenger's Ingenuity on turn 2.  (I usually don't waste the coin on it but if you're against aggro, do what you have to.)  Play Master's Call on turn 3.  Play Phase Stalker and press HP on 4 (or you can play a few secrets).  On turn 5 play the Lesser Emerald Spellstone if it's upgraded at all (using Phase Stalker doesn't upgrade it).  Or play some secrets to try to clear your hand.  Play Subject 9 by turn 7 if you can.  Don't worry about milling sercets.  Then, this will save you two mana to play a secret and not mill a different card.  (It's ok to mill a secret, but ideally you don't want to mill a combo piece.)  You should play Subject 9 before Scarlet Webweaver, so it doesn't get the discount.  Often by now you will have 2 Scarlet Webweavers in your hand along with Knuckles.  Play one of the Scarlet Webweavers.  If it hits the other one, no big deal.  Play it right away if you can.  Now you have 2 - 5/5's with a 0 mana Knuckles in your hand.

The Combo Turn  --  Count your mana!  Usually you can finish off your opponent sooner than you least imo.  Make sure your opponent has enough minions for your play!  (Usually I only need two.)  Play Knuckles.  Then try to buff him with Fresh Scent a few times.  Play Bestial Wrath if you have it.  Then play Goblin Prank before you play The Beast Within...that way you'll get extra damage.  You may miss damage if you attack before you play The Beast Within.  Play both The Beast Withins if you can.  Then attack.  You can attack with Knuckles 3 times in total assuming the opponents' minions have enough health to let this happen.  And he's immune if you play Bestial Wrath!  Remember, Knuckles will attack automatically once you play The Beast Within. So buff him first.


Some Card Explanations:

I believe Scavenger's Ingenuity, Phase Stalker, Master's Call, Knuckles, Scarlet Webweaver, and Subject 9 are all key to this deck.  Obviously, you also need at least one Goblin Prank or The Beast Within

There is no specific really only need Knuckles and one of Goblin Prank or The Beast Within.  But, you usually need to do more than 6 damage, so Fresh Scent, The Beast Within and Bestial Wrath can help. 

Bestial Wrath - Maybe not necessary, but having Knuckles immune is really nice.  I don't see the need for two.

Candleshot - Just a great 1-drop.  Very useful against aggro.  Two may be better....

The Beast Within - One of two cards you can use to trigger Knuckles.  The other is Goblin Prank.  (Really, 3 cards because I run two copies of this can play all 3 on the same turn!)

Tracking - I think at least one is necessary.  It helps thin out the deck.  It can also help you get out of a jam against aggro.  Try not to play it too early don't want to lose many combo pieces.

Fresh Scent - Usually used to buff Knuckles after you play him.

Goblin Prank - The second card you can use to trigger Knuckles.  I only run one because you can't rush twice in one turn.

Phase Stalker - Used to cheat out secrets and thin out your deck a little.

Master's Call - Awesome card!!!  All your minions are beasts, so you'll draw 3 here!  Make sure you have room (unless you already have enough to win). 

Knuckles - The king of the deck.  You rush with him multiple times if necessary to win the game in one turn using Goblin Prank and The Beast Within.

Lesser Emerald Spellstone - Not sure if these are needed, but they are really good even if you upgrade them only once.  I may pull these though.  They'd be OP if Phase Stalker upgraded them.

Subject 9 - I think he's necessary....really thins out your deck.  Hand size can def be an issue....but you don't mind losing a secret or two.  Just play this on turn 7 and play a secret after to avoid milling an important card.

Scarlet Webweaver - I thought about only one at first, but like I said above....having one hit the other doesn't feel bad at all.  DON'T let it hit Phase Stalker or Subject 9!  You are not looking to discount either of these!  Phase Stalker shouldn't be an issue because you are trying to play it early, but Subject 9 can sometimes be in the way.


You're really looking for Scavenger's Ingenuity, Master's Call and Lesser Emerald Spellstone.

Against Aggro also keep Candleshot, Bear Trap, Explosive Trap, Freezing Trap, Misdirection, Phase Stalker, and Wandering Monster.  Use your common sense here to help.

Against Control, also keep Subject 9.


I hope this explains the deck a little.  Let me know if you have any questions or ideas.  My opponents have always had minions when necessary, but if they don't I may try adding in a card that puts minions on the board for your opponent. 

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