GrovesK's Reno Rogue (52-56% WR avg.)

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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Yesss, that's right boys… RENO Rogue!

First of all… YES, you see correctly… Even though this is not really a TOP TIER DECK, it has some potential, with a lot of practice, to be much more than some sort of meme-casual-duels-only deck. So let's start with the main reasons why, but before that…


Just quickly want to say, that I'm really big fan of any Reno deck variation, so on my profile you can find mostly Reno decks (except few) for almost all classes  (except few, but it's in process) - so just click on that profile and find the one which u just wanna try out - but still don't forget to upvote or write some comment! And now… let's start! 


(Winrate is from ranks 11 - 4)

As you saw above my winrate with this deck is around 52-58% of 60 RECORDED games, the percentage is hard to simplify, because sometimes I had a really bad luck on few games and even insta-conceded after seeing 6x Mill Rogues in a row… So at the end it's probably around 56% from 100-130 games

The power of this deck is in it's variable kit…  This deck can go quickly enough to take down Combo decks and also can play slow as much as you need to against Control decks and even though(!) you have good tools to survive aggresive decks.

This deck is built up mostly around N'Zoth, the Corruptor, with really powerful deathrattlesSylvanas WindrunnerSneed's Old Shredder and Carnivorous Cube.

Filled up with a lot of tech cards like Gluttonous OozeMind Control TechBeneath the Grounds and etc.

Because I found Sap as the only 2-cost card in this deck I made a really meme-decision and put Prince Keleseth in this deck… and you wouldn't believe it, but it worked!

The rest of the cards are here always to synergies with another cards

Shadowstep - N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Reno Jackson, Vilespine Slayer, Elven Minstrel, Prince Keleseth,...

Necrium Blade (obviously deathrattle activator) - Sylvanas WindrunnerSneed's Old Shredder and Carnivorous CubeRotten Applebaum,...

Necrium Vial - same as above

Preparation - ''all spells in this deck are good if they can be reduced by 3, right''

Rogue doesn't have a really big amount of board clears so it's really important to play with keeping this in mind..


Because I think this is more important then the good ones..

Mill Rogue - Almost every Control, Reno, Combo deck has problem with it… no surprise here… but in my case in 1/6 I won because of really good curve draw with Prince Keleseth and Shadowstep in opening hand... so..

Odd (Baku) Rogue - even thought this deck has some really good WR against all other aggresive decks… Odd Rogue together with Even Shaman are just really hard to beat, hard mulligan for Reno Jackson and stuff to survive until turn you will play him...

Feel free to ask any other matchup, so far these three seems to be the worst possible ones against which you can go...


Currently trying version with - Zilliax instead of Sludge Belcher --- Seems good if you are going against a lot of aggro decks, because of lack of heals for Rogue


In general - you must keep on mind, that you need to understand how meta works, and what decks are on ladder, of course you can get surprised by anything (RENO Rogue, heh), but in all cases...

Almost everytime if you are not sure against what you are.. keep your early game.

Aggro matchups are really hard to handle, so try to find mostly minions on curvePrince Keleseth and Mistress of Mixtures is always insta-keep.

If you are going second you can keep in your hand Elven Minstrel, to coin him on turn 3 and draw 2 minions. Really good tempo swing.

Fan of Knives is also a really important part of your early game stabilization, so keep if you already don't have Prince Keleseth and Mistress of Mixtures in your hand, and maybe even though if you are playing f.e. against Paladin

If you understand the deck, meta, and decks on ladder - you can play much more different - f.e. in case of playing against Priest or Warlock you have two possibilities:

Try to be quickPrince Keleseth (if you have Shadowstep you should probably do it in all cases), Piloted ShredderElven Minstrel.

I found this way to be really useful in games against BIG PRIEST

Or go slower - Hard mulligan for Sylvanas Windrunner and stuff to activate it - Necrium Vial, Necrium Blade, Carnivorous Cube.

You can also try to use Mind Control Tech, but it's really risky.

Against Control Decks - you can just play on curve, your main goal is to have your Shadowstep ready for your N'Zoth, the Corruptor, which will summon you at least one of these two - Sylvanas Windrunner or Sneed's Old Shredder.

In good scenario you will get from Xaril, Poisoned Mind another spell to return your 8-cost N'Zoth, the Corruptor.

Your end game value is in N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Valeera the Hollow, Sylvanas Windrunner and Sneed's Old Shredder.

Against Reno Decks - you do want to find Beneath the Grounds, because of Kazakus (and of course Reno Jackson), then just play as it is a regular control deck.



Kingsbane Rogue - Hard mulligan for card]Mistress of Mixtures, Mind Control Tech, Fan of KnivesRotten Applebaum and your Reno Jackson (Also applies for ALL Aggro decks)

Big Mothertruckers

Big Priest -

quickPrince Keleseth (if you have Shadowstep you should probably do it in all cases), Piloted ShredderElven Minstrel. (Applies also on Big Rogue or Warrior - not so common)


slower - Hard mulligan for Sylvanas Windrunner and stuff to activate it - Necrium Vial, Necrium Blade, Carnivorous Cube. (Applies also on Big Rogue or Warrior - not so common)

Reno/ Control

Reno Warlock - Sylvanas WindrunnerElven Minstrel, Piloted Shredder, (Beneath the Grounds - only for Reno decks)

If there will be any other question or suggestion, just leave a comment in the comment section. Hopefully I was capable to catch everything I wanted and this short ''manual'' will help you with this deck.


With the new expansion came a new card which are more than helpful in terms of how we can now play Reno Rogue

Slower more control orientated one:

because meta is still not settled down, this version will be more than useful if there will be more Combo/Control decks, but still in my opinion is weaker than the one I'm using now.

For this version you will need to cutRaiding PartyHench-Clan Burglar and add Sludge Belcher and Unidentified Contract

UPDATE #2: Meta is settling down a bit (20.04)

Sadly it seems that new expansion didn't do anything else, than, as expected, just boost the BIG PRIEST (HURAH!)

So this version I found most promising one… but to be honest, you will have a really REALLY hard time on ladder these days, my WR turn to be clear 52% because of the Big Priest, so Good Luck!

Good Luck and Have Fun!

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