Gandling's Lackey Dragons Warlock

Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by
  • Fun

We wanted to see how Disciplinarian Gandling worked with Lackeys in Warlock, so we built a few test decks, including this one! Alongside Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, this deck is frequently able to turn the lackeys Warlock can generate into decent 4/4 bodies, while Grand Lackey Erkh can keep the lackeys coming.

The dragon package was included to give a bit more board control potential alongside Dark Skies, and healing alongside the shards from Spirit Jailer. With the Nightshade Matron/Hand of Gul'dan combo, alongside Big Ol' Whelp, there's plenty of card draw without tapping yourself to death, and Brightwing feels great when dropped alongside Disciplinarian Gandling. Raise Dead can provide a couple more Spirit Jailers, Flesh Giants, or Lackeys to keep the pressure on the opponent depending on the matchup.

Overall, we ended with a 38% winrate, so it's certainly not recommended for climbing the ladder, but it was a lot of fun to play around with! With a few tweaks, it might be competitive, but really, it's just fun to fill the board with 4/4s while getting excellent value from low cost minions! We've got a highlight video with gameplay at if you'd like to check it out. Enjoy experimenting, and have an awesome day!

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