Lucentbark's Keeper Heal Druid

Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by
  • Fun

Since Scholomance Academy provided another amazing activator for Lucentbark with Groundskeeper, we decided to revisit this ent and see whether he could make a home in the new meta, or just get overrun by invaders...

With plenty of ramp and card draw, it's not difficult to get Lucentbark out quickly, unless he's rooted himself at the bottom of your deck. With most of our heals being 6 mana or less, it's not hard to wake him up and copy him with Germination, but in games where a couple recurring taunts aren't enough to win the game, Ysera, Unleashed can provide the value needed to end the game.

One major weakness of this deck is that if you don't draw ramp right away, aggro decks will grind you into mulch, making this a bit too weak to use on the ladder. But, if you'd like to experiment with tending to Lucentbark again alongside Groundskeeper, give this deck a try! We've got a highlight video with gameplay at if you'd like to check it out. Enjoy, and have an awesome day!

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