Gluth (Heroic) Deck: Post-Mortem

Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
  • Casual


This is an adventure deck for Gluth. Not designed for PvP.


So I failed Gluth multiple times and I looked at several netdecks yet I couldn't win.  I gathered little bits of information from different decks such as the obvious using Acidic Swamp Ooze to kill the weapon.  In another adventure one deck showed me the beauty of Power Word: Glory.  As somebody else mentioned you want Gluth to be down to one to zero cards in his hand.  I think Gluth has three weapons.  But ooze when ever you can kill the weapon with high durability (except maybe maybe not the first weapon... maybe).  I stole ideas from the resurrect priest.

Prince Malchezaar will help you as the game slides to an end you will have 5 extra cards until fatigue.

turn 1: [Hearthstone Card (Power word:glory) Not Found] on zombie

turn 2-5 prepare the board and heal face with hero power until excavated evil comes around.

Time correctly the excavated evil around how little health you can go down, the durability of Gluth's weapon, when you want to kill your Power Word: Glory zombie.

Save the other power word glory for the last part of the game.

Clear the board using his death rattle minions to cascade and burn all!

clear the board using Auchenai Soulpriest circle of healing (middle to late game).  Keep in mind that soulpriest and priest of the feast are not friends.  So bewarned!

The dream shadow madness play is on his belchers but if you can clear the board between weapons then great.

You stay alive by:

his zombies

Priest of the feast and a ton of cheap spells

cult apothecary (good in theory)

Good Luck.

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