I Hunt With Barnes

Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
  • Fun

This deck is dead. Check out https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/3337-reno-where-are-my-spells if you like spell hunter.


Hello Out Of Cards,


I created this deck and posted it to Hearthpwn. This is my little creation and I didn't want it to get lost on a dead platform. I don't know if this deck posting is really for you or for me. But if you want to indulge yourself than here is a deck that I sometimes play. If you see any replacements to these cards please let me know as the deck hasn't been adjusted much recently.


I wanted to share with you my version of a Wild hunter Barnes & Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound deck. I took the existing old concept of the deck lumped it with Blizzard's old spell hunter deck (along with some helping tools) to come up with this card list.

The reason why I am showing this deck off is that the deck is stronger than you might believe. One reason why you may think this deck is weak is that the deck's strength depends on drawing Barnes before Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. Another reason why you may think this deck is weak is that there are cards that suck if you have minions in the deck such as Rhok'delar and To My Side!. Well, this deck carried me to rank 5 from rank 20 before the spellstone nerf. After the nerf the deck still is a mighty force though I have not been able to cut past rank four with the deck. I currently sitting at wild rank 5 with the deck.

The deck works on taking chances. You need Barnes before the old god. The odds are in your favor because you can achieve this goal by pulling Barnes or either of the two Master's Call (then select Barnes.) Three cards vs. one bad card pull. If you have bad luck you can still use the master's call to pull Barnes which unlocks Rhok'delar and To My Side!.

I don't use Quick Shot because it doesn't work well with Rhok'delar, big cost cards, and duplicate secrets which stop Quick Shot from drawing cards when I need it to. I find that Zul'jinactually doesn't work well with Quick Shot or other spells that aim and shoots. However, I still use some cards that aim and shoot because they could be used for early board removal or to end the game. Zul'jin works well with To My Side!Emerald Spellstone. I think Zul'jin would work really well with Call of the Wild but I think it is currently too slow.

I currently run Deathstalker Rexxar because he costs the same amount as a Blizzard  with 5 armor. He also gives a great hero power that I currently hate in the wild format because it's too slow and too unreliable. The more I play his hero power the greater the chance that I am going to die. [Hearthstone Card (Rhok'delar is better at helping me from dying. If I am stuck too far from getting lethal than I go Deathstalker Rexxar as a long shot for saving the game.

The secret plan is one of the most important cards in this deck because it allows for so much flexibility.

Tell me what you think and I hope you enjoy. This deck is still a work in progress.

(P.S. Sorry to those of you who hate Barnes.)

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