Elemental Dragon Secret Highlander Mage?

Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
  • Theorycraft


Stall the early game with board wipes and targeted removal while digging for your win cons. Keep cards like Flame Ward, Zephrys, and Astromancer Solarian. As you progress to the lategame, take advantage of cards like Rigged Faire Game and Mana Cyclone to generate value and answers to the enemy's board. To end the game, play cards like Dragonqueen Alexstraza, Grand Finale, and Mana Giant/Conjurer's Calling.


Devolving Missiles: This card is absolutely insane for only one mana, disrupting and weakening your opponent's board. Must-play in any Mage deck.

Ray of Frost: This card, like others in this deck, fulfills the requirements for lots of cards in our deck. This reduces our Mana Giant and doubles up for Mana Cyclone.

Violet Spellwing: This card is a 1-cost Elemental for Grand Finale and the missiles it generates reduce Mana Giant.

Astromancer Solarian: Aggressive body with spell damage is great, and it comes back later to function as another one of our board clears.

Confection Cyclone: This card solely exists because we are running Grand Finale. We wouldn't play it otherwise. However, it also reduces Mana Giant by 2.

Mana Cyclone: This generates further value in matchups where we need it. If we weren't running Grand Finale, this would be Wand Thief for the easier cost.

Combustion: Just an excellent removal spell to reduce enemy aggression. Since we cut Tortollan Pilgrim, this card is safer to run.

Flame Ward: Great board-clear that is especially good with another secret we got this expansion.

Frost Nova: Delay enemy aggression for one turn while also comboing pretty well with Doomsayer for a board clear.

Rigged Faire Game: By playing both Flame Ward and Rigged Faire Game, it makes sure our opponent is never really sure whether they can attack us or not. If they do, they may get board-wiped. If they don't, we may draw three cards.

Conjurer's Calling: Play this to double up on your big minion win conditions like Finale, Mana Giant and Alexstraza.

Firework Elemental: Both on-curve and late game this card is very good. Plus, it's an elemental!

Malygos, Aspect of Magic: This gets us a very good spell if we can manage to get it. 

Blizzard: Good with Doomsayer as well as slowing down large enemy minions.

Reno the Relicologist: We're a highlander deck, we are playing this card.

Flamestrike: One of board clears, asymmetrical damage helps.

Grand Finale: One of three finishers, probably the most overwhelming in terms of stats.

Mana Giant: One half of the Mana Giant/Conjurer's Calling finisher. Is also an elemental for Grand Finale.

The Amazing Reno: Just a clean board clear. 


Doomsayer: Combine with freezes for a free board clear, or play it to deter early aggression.

Wandmaker: Minion to combat early board presence while providing us with value.

Zephrys: Highlander deck, we play this.

Inconspicuous Rider: Tutor a secret from our deck and get a free 2/2. Seems good.

Circus Amalgam: Elemental for Finale, Dragon for Malygos, and Taunt for early game. Great card!

Twilight Drake: Big unit early can delay aggression, dragon for Malygos.

Cobalt Spellkin: Dragon, plus it adds spells to feed mana cyclone and Mana Giant to our hands.

Evasive Wyrm: Kills an enemy minion, can't be hit by spells, and is a Dragon.

Siamat: Has more versatility than Wyrm and is an Elemental.

Dragonqueen Alexstraza: Our final finisher, easily ends the game when not answered.

Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate: Mage can fall behind on board against midrange and control decks, so Yogg can help us get that advantage back.

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