C’Thun, the Seer Secret Mage

Last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by
  • Fun

C'Thun, the Shattered can be quite the challenge to assemble over the course of a game, but with the impressive Secret package alongside Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon to help draw through the deck, it's not difficult to stay alive while gathering the pieces.

This deck plays out just like Standard Secret Mage, but has spicy surprises with the C'Thun pieces. What seems to be the greatest challenge with this deck for summoning C'Thun is balancing the pressure needed to stay alive without killing the opponent long enough to gather the pieces and draw C'Thun. We had right at a 50% winrate overall, but almost none of the wins were due to C'Thun...

Still, it's a fun deck with potential for absolute madness... And, if you want to see an example of absolute madness alongside some gameplay with the deck, check out the highlight at https://youtu.be/mqWbkjsp_PY or below. Have fun experimenting!


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