"Shattering" the META

Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
  • Ranked

I'm just leaving this here for more tweaks and edits as I go. It does very well against Pure Paladin and has a chance at winning a lot of match-ups. The deck has a lot of draw and many ways to both clear the board and win. Why was this made? Its so I can be a hipster while trying to get my 1000 win DH portrait.


Against Aggro decks, the biggest issue is not removal tools but our health total. Against Hunters and Shamans, I would say mulligan for Acidic Swamp Ooze because their weapons are the only things that can really threaten us at this point. I will say that we almost always lose to Shamans unfortunately, especially if they have 2 weapons.


Against slower decks, C'thun is a pretty reliable win condition. Demon Hunters struggle the most with big minions, hence the inclusion of Silas and BGH. Galakrond Warlocks will probably be the hardest matchup due to their ability to keep generating a lot of threats, but the game is definitely winnable. Just use our removals sparingly and keep in mind what our opponents' possible plays are.

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