A Control Warrior that is actually good

Last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by
  • Casual

Lets be real here, saying this deck is a "good" list is like saying that a 12 year old is the next Mike Tyson for being able to beat up a bunch of toddlers in a fight. Control is simply not viable right now because trying to outlive your opponent is a foolish strategy with how much value can be generated on a dime. However if you are that special masochist who is hell-bent on playing a control deck that is not Priest, I hope this list can help you. This deck is obviously a Wallet Warrior control list, so if you have the cards you could try playing a few games with it and let me know what you think.



Stage Dive is an absolute must keep. Remember to always Corrupt it before playing it because drawing Samuro with it is absolutely nutty. Against Aggro decks keep cards like [Hearthstone Card (Rancor/card] and Minefield. Against Warlock specifically look for Rattlegore and Faceless Manipulator to guarantee the victory.

Bulwark of Azzinoth is an absolute MVP in helping to keep you alive after stabilizing, and is a core card in dealing with the Rogue matchups in particular.



First of all, yes, it can beat Paladin and is actually very favoured against Libram Paladin. In terms of matchups, it wins quite easily against most of the meta decks right now. However, I will concede that it is probably not that good at high Legend because it gets absolutely demolished by Priests, and struggles greatly against Mage.

Paladin: Quite a draw-dependent match-up, but our deck can win. Oh My Yogg! is very difficult to play around in conjunction with most Paladin power turns, and is exceptionally bad in the case that you don't draw any of your removal. Oh, and Reckoning actually prevents our Frenzy effects from triggering, so keep that in mind. I recommend saving Brawl for their N'zoth turn if it is possible. But really, don't pull your hair out if you lose this match-up, we are playing with a high tier 3 deck at best against the infestation that is Secret Paladin after all.

Rogue: Easy win.

Hunter: Should be quite an easy match-up. However, there's not much we can do if the deck just draws the nuts against us.

Priest/Mage: Honestly just concede. Its faster and easier.

Warlock: Rattlegore can solo carry the game, Taelan is only there to help draw him faster. Use Faceless Manipulator to copy him and victory is practically guaranteed. Bladestorm should also be saved to wipe out any Strongman that our opponent tries to play to defend himself.

Druid: Token Druid should be quite manageable, Big Druid on the other hand is a very difficult match-up to win that requires our opponent to get very unlucky. It is difficult to mulligan for this one properly.

Demon Hunter: Should be quite a manageable match-up.

Warrior: Similar to Paladin, except their high-rolls are much easier to deal with and they have less options for going face and refilling their hand/board with things that are hard to deal with.

Shaman: If you see any Shamans then let me know what universe you are in.


Card Substitutions

Shadow Hunter Vol'jin : I am just experimenting with this card right now, but he is pretty good as a half removal option that is not a Spell with multiple uses. Big buffed up minion? Just remove him. An even bigger minion pops out? Eh, good luck…

Mankrik : Feels pretty bad to play in the current metagame especially when going second since Paladin has a better 3/4 that can be buffed to kill our guy with Hand of A'dal, maybe an Ooze might be better here.


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Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 6 months ago (Barrens Buffs)

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