Token Spell Druid, Arbor Up edition

Last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
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The game plan is simple: keep trying to build a board until one sticks. Then buff it and/or go for lethal with Savage Roar.

Mulligan for anything you can play on turn 1-3, plus Glowfly Swarm.

Because the deck is all spells, you're guaranteed to draw 3 cards with Fungal Fortunes. Combined with Aeroponics and twin spells, it's easy to maintain a hand full of spells for Glowfly Swarm.

I expected Arbor Up to be good and indeed it is. What I didn't realize is how good Aeroponics is once you reach a critical mass of Treant summons; drawing cheap or for free really helps in keeping the pressure on your opponent every turn.

Maybe some one-ofs should be two-ofs or vice versa. Blessing of the Ancients in particular was often not playable, because opponents will try very hard to keep your board small. So perhaps one copy would be enough. There is only one Soul of the Forest in the deck for the same reason.

Unlike other Druid decks, in this deck Rising Winds is mainly there for summoning eagles. A second copy might be useful, since in the worst case you still have the option of turning it into card draw in later turns.

I ran Guidance as well for a bit, but to grow your hand you need to expend 2 mana (one directly and one via overload), which hurts your ability to build an early board. Using only the first half of Rising Winds early on will also keep your hand size up for a turn 4/5 Glowfly Swarm, without sacrificing mana for it.

If you don't have these exact numbers for the epics, you can substitute a second copy of Force of Nature or Runic Carvings. For a budget alternative you could add minions like Shrubadier, Faire Arborist and Garden Gnome and just accept that you sometimes will low-roll on Fungal Fortunes.

Anyway, this is not a refined list, but it should be a decent starting point for people who want to give this archetype a go.

Change log:

-1 Blessing of the Ancients, +1 Rising Winds


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