(Old deck) Odd Kangor's Army Paladin
- Odd Paladin
- Wild
- Ranked
Deck Archetype:......Odd + Mech Paladin
Deck style:...............Midrange
Period:.....................Boomsday (2018) > Year of the Dragon (2019)
Cause of death:.......HoF of Baku the Mooneater.
Old writeup:
WIP Deck focusing on Kangor's Endless Army in combination with the early board of Odd Paladin.
Core (18)
x2 Lost in the Jungle
x2 Righteous Protector
x2 Fungalmancer
x2 Unidentified Maul
x1 Vinecleaver (can x2 if looking for a mid/late-game tool)
x2 Level Up!
x1 Baku the Mooneater
x2 Glow-Tron
x2 Wargear
x1 Zilliax
x1 Kangor's Endless Army
Synergy (9)
Cards that are considered vital for their synergy with the core lineup.
x2 Blessing of Might - Buffs a dude for removal or a sticky minion for a body.
x2 Raid Leader - Buffs the whole board, turns the dudes into 2/1.
x2 Mecharoo - 1-drop 2/2, guaranteed body for magnetic.
x1-2 Divine Favor - Hand empties fast, and depending on matchup this can fuel it up fast.
x2 Corridor Creeper - Quickly becomes low-mana and synergizes with Void Ripper.
Meta calls, interchangable techs, and generic splashables.
Spellbreaker/Ironbeak Owl - Good for going through taunts and negating threats.
Shrink Ray - We can't run Consecration + Equality, so this can answer big boards.
Void Ripper - Can ruin an opponent's board or work like a semi-Sunkeeper Tarim.
Other cards that can work with Odd Pally include:
Stormwind Champion - Very slow, but provides a strong buff to a big board.
Fire Fly - Solid 1-drop that replaces itself.
Argent Squire - Solid 1-drop that synergizes with attack buffs.
Acherus Veteran - Good offensive stats and buff works great with dudes.
Dire Mole - Inferior to Glow-Tron, but can serve as additonal non-mech ones.
Stonehill Defender - Allows you to discover Tirion Fordring or Sunkeeper Tarim.
Sword of Justice - Slow but allows a stronger board buildup before Level Up!.
Leeroy Jenkins - Solid finisher but doesn't have many buffs to synergize with.
Other cards that can work with Magnetic Pally include:
Harvest Golem - Solid and sticky 3-drop mech.
Faithful Lumi - Situational buff but adds another mech to the pool.
Skaterbot- Another magnetic for Kangor's Endless Army and adds rush.
Bronze Gatekeeper - Solid magnetic, can be a wall or synergize with Void Ripper.
Giggling Inventor - Sticky taunts and adds 3 bodies to the board.
Nightmare Amalgam - Solid 3-drop body and host for magnetics.
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0- 00
- 111
- 02
- 73
- 04
- 75
- 16
- 47+
- 1 Blessing of Might x 2
- 1 Glow-Tron x 2
- 1 Lost in the Jungle x 2
- 1 Righteous Protector x 2
- 3 Divine Favor x 2
- 3 Unidentified Maul x 2
- 5 Level Up! x 2
- 6 Vinecleaver x 1
- 7 Kangor's Endless Army x 1
- 1 Mecharoo x 2
- 1 Skaterbot x 1
- 3 Raid Leader x 2
- 3 Void Ripper x 1
- 5 Fungalmancer x 2
- 5 Wargear x 2
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 7 Corridor Creeper x 2
- 9 Baku the Mooneater x 1
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