(Wild) Quest Hunter
- Quest Hunter
- Wild
- Fun
Deck Archetype:.......OTK Quest hunter
Deck style:.................Combo
Recent Changes:
Order of changes | Removed | Added |
Change 1 | -2 Kill Command | +2 Hunter's Mark |
Tundra Rhino x1
Warsong Wrangler x2
The Marsh Queen x1
Quest progress:
Springpaw x2Animated Broomstick x2
Emerald Skytalon x2
Fire Fly x2
Armor Vendor x2
Card draw:
Tracking x2
Starving Buzzard x2
Stitched Tracker x2
Selective Breeder x2
Diving Gryphon x2 - pseudo-removal and tutor
Staples and techs:
Hunter's Mark x2 - hard removal
Pressure Plate x1 - hard removal and meta counter
Flare x1 - meta counter
Toxmonger x1 - Turns rush minions into hard removal.
Wild Bloodstinger x1 - counters combo decks
Cards that can be added in:
Pen Flinger, Dwarven Sharpshooter, Infectious Sporeling, Hungry Crab - 1-costs that control the state of the board.
Tour Guide, Leper Gnome - 1-costs that burn
Jar Dealer, Mystery Winner, Shimmerfly - 1-costs that generate cards
Undertaker - 1-cost that can snowball through other 1-costs
Tol'vir Warden, Stampede, Deathstalker Rexxar - card draw and generation
For big dangers | Wide boards | Protecc | Misc. Counters |
Overconfident Orc | Combo disruptors Secrets Weapons Armor |
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0Update #1
Card changes 3 years, 7 months ago (Quilboar Tribe)
- Fire Fly 2
- Warsong Wrangler 2
- Diving Gryphon 2
- Springpaw 2
- Tracking 2
- Animated Broomstick 2
- Wild Bloodstinger 1
- Armor Vendor 2
- Stitched Tracker 2
- Starving Buzzard 2
- Pressure Plate 1
- Hunter's Mark 2
- Flare 1
- Emerald Skytalon 2
- Selective Breeder 2
- Timber Wolf -2
- Snake Trap -2
- Quick Shot -2
- Webspinner -2
- Jeweled Macaw -2
- Fiery Bat -2
- Candleshot -2
- Tol'vir Warden -2
- Deathstalker Rexxar -1
- Stampede -1
- Alleycat -2
- Scavenging Hyena -2
- Explosive Trap -1
- Crackling Razormaw -2
- Kill Command -2
- 00
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
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- 07+
- 1 Flare x 1
- 1 Hunter's Mark x 2
- 1 Springpaw x 2
- 1 The Marsh Queen x 1
- 1 Tracking x 2
- 2 Pressure Plate x 1
- 2 Selective Breeder x 2
- 2 Starving Buzzard x 2
- 3 Diving Gryphon x 2
- 3 Stitched Tracker x 2
- 4 Toxmonger x 1
- 4 Warsong Wrangler x 2
- 5 Tundra Rhino x 1
- 6 Wild Bloodstinger x 1
- 1 Animated Broomstick x 2
- 1 Armor Vendor x 2
- 1 Emerald Skytalon x 2
- 1 Fire Fly x 2
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