(Wild) Quest Hunter

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Fun

Deck Archetype:.......OTK Quest hunter

Deck style:.................Combo



Recent Changes:

Order of changesRemovedAdded
Change 1

-2 Kill Command
-2 Timber Wolf
-2 Alleycat
-2 Candleshot
-2 Fiery Bat
-2 Jeweled Macaw
-2 Webspinner
-2 Crackling Razormaw
-1 Explosive Trap
-2 Quick Shot
-2 Scavenging Hyena
-2 Tol'vir Warden
-1 Stampede
-2 Snake Trap
-1 Deathstalker Rexxar

+2 Hunter's Mark
+2 Starving Buzzard
+2 Tracking
+2 Springpaw
+1 Pressure Plate
+2 Stitched Tracker
+2 Animated Broomstick
+2 Emerald Skytalon
+2 Fire Fly
+1 Flare
+2 Selective Breeder
+2 Diving Gryphon
+2 Armor Vendor
+2 Warsong Wrangler
+1 Wild Bloodstinger



Tundra Rhino x1
Warsong Wrangler x2
The Marsh Queen x1

Quest progress:

Springpaw x2
Animated Broomstick x2
Emerald Skytalon x2
Fire Fly x2
Armor Vendor x2

Card draw:

Tracking x2
Starving Buzzard x2
Stitched Tracker x2
Selective Breeder x2
Diving Gryphon x2 - pseudo-removal and tutor

Staples and techs:

Hunter's Mark x2 - hard removal
Pressure Plate x1 - hard removal and meta counter
Flare x1 - meta counter
Toxmonger x1 - Turns rush minions into hard removal.
Wild Bloodstinger x1 - counters combo decks


Cards that can be added in:

Pen Flinger, Dwarven Sharpshooter, Infectious Sporeling, Hungry Crab - 1-costs that control the state of the board.
Tour Guide, Leper Gnome  - 1-costs that burn
Jar Dealer, Mystery Winner, Shimmerfly - 1-costs that generate cards
Undertaker - 1-cost that can snowball through other 1-costs
Tol'vir Warden, Stampede, Deathstalker Rexxar - card draw and generation



For big dangersWide boardsProteccMisc. Counters

Royal Librarian
Maiev Shadowsong

Kill Command
Pressure Plate
Freezing Trap

Explosive Sheep
Unstable Ghoul
Mind Control Tech

Explosive Trap
Deathstalker Rexxar

Overconfident Orc
Death's Head Cultist
Tar Creeper
Stonehill Defender
Taelan Fordring

Combo disruptors
Far Watch Post
Wild Bloodstinger

Eater of Secrets
Horde Operative

Kobold Stickyfinger
Gluttonous Ooze
Harrison Jones


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