Mecha'thun Shaman

Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
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Mecha'thun Shaman

Screw rate this deck for guides! Here it comes:

This deck was inspired by Dogs Mecha'thun Shaman he played in Legend Top 100 if I am not mistaken. I changed a couple cards to match it my current opponents not in high legend. There it's mine! jk.. It's a lot of fun, most players don't expect the deck's archetype and try to play for value as if playing against a Murlock Shaman. Maybe this is because I am using Morgl as my hero though.. Disguise is powerful in this meta.

Mecha'thun Card Image

The deck overall performs very solid. The core plan is to get out Mecha'thun with at least 3 times Galvanizer's battlecry using Shudderwock and then kill it using a combo of Voodoo Doll and Zap! so always keep at least one copy if it! Spirit of the Frog presents a nice draw engine crawling through the neatly mana-queued up spells in our deck.

There is enough healing and board stabilisers in the deck to get us through the end. Tbh, most match ups I faced I won without Mecha'thun but simply board pressure and well time board clears. A little unfortunate since I love seeing Mecha'thun exploding but well.. there are other things to worry about that winning, right? My current win rate with this deck is above 50% so it's fair for climbing.


Since the game plan is mostly the same against all decks: first draw though your deck, stay alive using [Hearthstone Card (Witches Brew) Not Found] at the right times and Hagatha's Scheme to clear the board when needed I am going to jump ahead for the mulligan immediately. 


Notable: Keep Mutate for Giggling Inventor for a big body instead of the weak 2/1.



Against aggressive decks: Definitely mulligan for Hagatha's Scheme and Lightning Bolt. It's going to be rough at first but with enough life-gain you should stay alive and once you're at 7 mana you can drop your Giggling Inventor and Walking Fountain.

Against control heavy decks: Keep Spirit of the Frog. It is especially valuably if you get The Coin and can either Earth Shock or Lightning Bolt some enemy minion in turn 3.

Against decks with known weapon arsenal in the current meta, i.e. Warriors, Hunters, and Paladins keep Acidic Swamp Ooze.

Don't worry about mach ups agains control decks. You will win them and Warriors simply don't heave a chance, unless it's a Bomb Warrior of which there aren't many at the moment on ladder.


Important about this deck is to know the queue of the spells very well. Ancestral Spirit might find its best use on the single Walking Fountain which is a rare shot, but it's important for the queue to get to the next spell, e.g. Far Sight to get into a Hex. Use this knowledge to plan turns ahead and prepare yourself against big decks. I head really favourable matches against Mech Paladin this way.


Tell me what you think about this deck! Would love to hear your experience with it!.


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  • Cardinal's Avatar
    65 16 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 9 months ago

    Looks like fun, but I don't agree with your statement on Ladder not having many Bomb Warriors right now. It depends mostly on the rank you're playing at, but I've faced plenty of them.

    I'm not a big Combo-player myself, but I know many have been aching to find new iterations of Mecha'Thun decks.


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