Weapon/Burst Shaman

Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
  • Casual


A deck made to destroy Non-minion mage

You basically do burst damage with your Doom hammer and Nature spells, sometimes you may go defense with Rockbiter Weapon and other offensive card just to receive less damage on yourself.

How to use

Overall you use Doom Hammer (or Inara) on face as much as possible, there are alternative ways to gain attack power, but the Doom hammer is the machine gun.

Rockbiter Weapon and Stormstrike can be used however you want but if you manage to gain at least 6 damage from any together along side with Doom Hammer or Inara Stormcrash you can get 16 burst damage for 4-6 mana. Works best with Doom Hammer.

Diligent Notetaker is a must if you need to recover a "weapon spell". But other cards is fine to recover if the board state says so.

Toxicologist is a good extra damage chipper for your Doom Hammer, trust me, you probably need it.


How to get them?

You basically want Cagematch Custodian in Mulligan, but any card draw is fine.  You do not need Doom hammer in starting hand, but can be handy to hold if you don't get Cagematch.

Some cards are not needed like Guidance but it is a good value generator for burst damage or defense,  Lightning Bloom is not a must, I just replaced it for this deck instead of Marshspawn

Extra Info

Transform cards and Blademaster Samuro are your defense cards.

Bru'kan is for Burst damage with Lightning Bolt and Nature cards thay you discover overall. 

Against others?

I've been fighting Non-minion mages a lot with it and it kills almost everytime if mage aren't lucky enough,

Besides mages, it is still very strong. But is kind of weak against Paladin decks or any strong defensive decks that relies on heavy taunts and heals. If you face those, make sure to have transform cards ready to counter.


Good luck and have fun killing "Non-minion Mages".


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