Celestial Combo Druid

Last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
  • Casual

Hello guys!!
This is my first deck here and im a veteran Druid main, who only plays as a Druid. i was Legend a lot of times but i came back after a few years break with a new name. You guys know, Druid now suffer in this expansion as well as the other classes but i find a way to have fun and gain 60% winrate in this meta. You not gonna master this deck at the start, you need to make decisions between steps to make the game to your favor.

Well, my guide will be very detailed, i will write done every reasoning i have to prove my point and believe in me guys, this deck is broken. So in this meta the developers reduced the combo potential, most of the aggro types are gone thanks to the watchposts. What this is mean?? Yeah we have a slower meta and we have more time to make our progress and simple just ramp up to the skies and show to everybody why Malfurion is the god.

Lets start with the mulligan:

- Overgrowth

- Nature Studies

- Guess the Weight

Those are the basic ones, most of the time you need those to do something in the early game.

Here it comes the specifical ones:

VS Burn decks: Mages have a lot of burn damage, and because they have already random big spells so you dont really want to cast celestial when you facing a mage. Only then, when you already know, you gonna win the next turn. Versus burn decks, and possible watchposts you defenetly want to keep one Moontouched Amulet. Druid have a weak early game, and thats why you always just trying to catch up and survive. That spell will give you some chance versus watchposts and give you 6 armor man, thats a lot. Obviously you dont want to keep 2, just only one.

VS Tempo decks: Tempo like Paladin now. You either find ramp and Bloom then cast Guardian Animals on turn 4-5 or just keep some early minions what you already got. Cult Neophyte is one of the combo pieces in this deck but versus tempo you not gonna win by the combo. Most of the time i dont feel safe enough drop on Cult for a random card from my deck so i just keep it. Same with Shan'do Wildclaw. She is very overlooked, have a lot of potential but im gonna tell you about this later.

VS Controll deck: Ohh maan this matchup is your favorite. Lets make an example, versus Warlock. Warlock controll decks mostly have Tickatus wc. When you are on coin, you defenetly want to play Celestial Alignment or turn 6 to make him impossible to corrupt his stuff. With this way his Strongmans, Y'Shaarj gonna be USELESS HAHA. Once i faced Jaraxxus on turn 7 but he needed 2 mana to press that hero power, so he just losed. When you are not on coin, you need to keep the Nature Studies Discount.

I want to mention, this deck need to draw well versus tempo, there will be times when Oh my Yogg just gonna cause the lose because you can't do anything else. Of course you can keep low cost spells for that but that not gonna happen very often.

Comboos Yeyy:
You probably already saw 2 Clockwork Giant in my deck. Now, you know what they do. When you cast Celestial Alignment you can play them for free. With this move you already made a tempo with ZERO mana. You need to find the perfect spot to cast the spell, you need to check, how many card draws do you have left. Sometimes you just cast the spell in a safe position, ramp up once, and after that play your hand and Malygos. But there will be times, when you dont want to spend your Nourish on ramp, you need that card to draw your last combo piece from your deck like Cult. I said at the start, you need to practice with this deck to earn good results.

Sometimes you win games by just found Taunt spell from Nature studies and put on Moonfang, you can make your opponent cry more if you copy it with Shan'do. Rouges, Shamans cannot answer to that move because they just dont put the answers into their deck. You can just drop an 8/8 on turn 4, because your opponent just draw a lot of cards. There a combo with Druid of the Plains and Shan'do, you copy your beast before you attack, and you get 2 taunts and removed 2 minions with 10 mana.

Everyone just complaining about Guess the Weight. Guys, after Celestial, that card is a 1 mana Draw 1. You can't complain about that lol.

And the big victorious win with your combo. So first you need to play every step in your head, you need to count with your mana and check what you gonna draw with Malygos and the leftover Runner or Nourish. First you play Celestial when you have at least one Nourish in your hand with Malygos. You ramp up, use the Blooms drop Maly, pull the other Nourish, gain mana cast your Guardians, Cast celestial. Important thing, when you cast Bloom, even if you cast a Celestial after that, you will have no mana next turn. Keep that in mind. You gonna finish your combo with Colt, you increase all of you opponent spells with 1. The funny part is, you gonna cast the second Celestial at the end of your combo. So they cannot answer with spells. Poor warlock Warriors and Priests... :(

I want to mention, you have 6 beasts 1 copy, 1 Maly and 2 giants. For the final combo, you need enough minion on board to hit face for the lethal. If i can, i leave somewhere some of my replays so you guys can check what im actually doing.


Somethings i forgot to write down so i just drop here:

- Dont try to put wild Growth in because that spell just bad.

- Dont try add more beasts because you have enough.

- You can replace Shan'do with anything, most likely beast.

- Taelan just a bad card here, dont try it. You have Giants.

- You dont need more survival, you dont have the time to cast it anyways out of the combo.

- You can make this combo faster at 10 mana. You drop Cult and celestial, then 2 giants. Next turn with your one mana you cast survival. Thats 24 damage on face.

- REALLY IMPORTANT!! VS Warlock and Priest dont drop 2 giants when they have the chance for Hysteria.

- Dont drop your Twilight Runner just like that. That card is your card draw engine. Use it with Broomstick to make sure your draw is gonna happen.


Yeah, i think thats it. I hope you will have fun. GL!! :)

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #2

Card changes 3 years, 5 months ago (Wailing Caverns)

Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 6 months ago (Wailing Caverns)

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