Mecha’thun Rogue
Last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
More Mecha'thun Rogue Decks
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I've played this for 2 hours yesterday and while it's fun when it works, I didn't manage to pull off the combo very often. Admittedly I'm not much of a Combo player so maybe it was my fault, but this deck sits in a really difficult spot. Hyper Aggro usually kills you so fast that you can't afford to play both Hemet and Anka, Control is running Dirty Rats and/or Mutanus which means insta concede. I even lost two games to people who just stopped playing anything after I had destroyed my deck. I was sitting there with a 1 Mana Mecha'thun and two or three removal spells in hand and slowly died to fatigue while my opponent probably laughed their ass off. In the end I swapped in Reno Jackson to have a better chance against Aggro and provide a target for Deathlords, Rats and Mutanus with mixed results. Sometimes it saved me, sometimes it was just another body to get rid of.
What I've taken away from this experience is the Secret Passage interaction with an empty deck which is super cool. I also crafted Hemet for this deck which is a nice addition to my Wild collection. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah this is more of a fun deck to see it go off when it works but winrate is kind of low. In the future I’m using hsreplay to get 100 games sample size for each deck in diamond 5-1 to be able to provide a real winrate for even off meta decks so people know how competitive it is. So some decks can be really meme like 30%, some can be decentish with 40%, some can be 50%, the first one I tried to test so far was Elemental Shaman which was better than I expected with over 60%.
Cool! But Serrated Tooth should be played 3 turns in advance and left with 1 charge right?
How does Secret Passage work in this scenario? Your hand vanishes and doesn't get replaced because deck's empty right?
A shame I don't have Anka to try this lmao, must be hilarious
You can play it in advance or play it and hero power after in your combo turn. Also you are correct about secret passage.
Oh... Obviously... The ideal scenario is play Anka in the same OTK turn? 5 for Anka, 1 for Mecha, 1 for the weapon, 1 for Passage, 2 for HP (destroy weapon), sacrifice the Mecha... Technically if you have all the pieces in hand and Hemet early it can be done before turn 10(?)
And in the rare case where opponent doesn't have minions? Only then you go for the alternative way?
Did you come with this yourself or is it someone else's (genious) idea? I'm almost sure Hemet or Mecha'Thun will end up nerfed/banned sooner or later
You can play Anka earlier since you need to trade her in. Alternative way is if Hemet destroyed this main combo or if no opponent minions. I’m not sure what you mean by came up with this. Do you mean overall deck idea or to use Anka with Mecha’thun?
update: yes